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Home > Articles > The Archer's Register > 1905 > Japanese Archery > Kake (Putting hand on the string)
Rule III.—"Kake"
(Putting hand on the string)

After the archer is perfected in the "Do-zukuri," as shown in Fig. 1, put the right hand on the string with the thumb bent inwards, as low as seven or eight inches below the middle point of the whole string, and raise the hand up gently, so that the glove grazes the string lightly, until it comes to touch the nock of the arrow. In this process the string will naturally be rested in the groove of the glove.

The thumb of the right hand, thus raised, should come under the notch of the arrow so as to steady it in position. The position of the thumb at this time is called "Ichi-mon-ji," which conveys the meaning of "perfectly level."

The second finger should be bent so as to cover exactly the top of the thumb, and the forefinger should be put on the lower part of the thumb, the functions of this finger being merely subordinate to the second finger.

The string, when drawn, is to be pulled mainly by the middle joint of the thumb.

As shown in Fig 2, the right arm, in the case of the "Kake," should be kept in such a position that it would be at right angles with the line drawn perpendicularly through the centre of the body.

In the case of the "Kake," little physical force is needed, no-matter what the strength of a bow may be. If the archer holds. the arrow too tight on the string, the discharge of the arrow will be affected by jerk. An important point is to place the hand in the proper position on the string.