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Home > Articles > The Archer's Register > 1905 > Japanese Archery > Uchi-okoshi (Elevation of the bow)
Rule VI.—"Uchi-okoshi"
(Elevation of the bow)

Thus the next process is to raise the bow. The bow should be raised with both hands, the left hand with the bow and the right with the arrow on the string, steadily keeping the body balanced as it was fixed in the "Yu-gamae."

When the arrow, thus raised, comes nearly to the level of the eyebrow, stop the motion. The fists of both hands should be kept as level as possible. Every caution should be taken not to concentrate all the physical strength in the upper part of the body, i.e., in the shoulders and arms.

Fig. 4—Uchi-okoshi

When a mark is at a comparatively short distance or on flat ground the " Uchi-okoshi "—the elevation of the bow—should also be lower than above mentioned.