Seventy-third Ordinary Meeting
fitfth of the thirteenth session, March 9, 1904.
[Held in the Hall at 20, Hanover Square, London.]
Mr. Arthur Diósy, f.r.g.s., Chairman of Council, J.S., took the Chair at 8.30 p.m., when a Paper entitled "The Japanese Yano Ne," by Miss Eliza R. Scidmore, m.j.s, was read by Mr. C. Kadono, m.j.s.
The Chairman : I am going to call upon Mr. Kadono to read to us a paper by our fellow-member, Miss Scidmore, on Arrow Heads. I am sorry that we shall not have the pleasure of applauding Miss Scidmore herself to-night, for one of our most delightful recollections is of a paper on the Morning Glory of Japan which she read to us two years ago.
Miss Scidmore is an American lady, and is one of the most pain staking inquirers into Japanese matters. She possesses the great gift of clothing her discoveries in graceful English: she is the author of a delightful book on Japan. She is at present in that country, and divides her time between Japan, Washington, and the rest of the world. She is also the author of a book on China—"China, the Everlasting Empire."