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Fete of the Worcestershire Archery Society
Fete of the Worcestershire Archery Society, at Sherridge Court, near Worcester.
Fete of the Worcestershire Archery Society, at Sherridge Court, near Worcester.
From: The Illustrated London News, August 8, 1855.


The first field-day of this society for the present season took place place (as we briefly announced in our last Number) on Wednesday, the 8th inst., at Sherridge Court, the residence of T. Norbury, Esq., in the picturesqueparish of Leigh, near Worcester.. The weather in the early part the morning was unfavourable, but towards twelveo'clock it cleared up, and remained fine for the remainder of the day, although the neighbourhood was visited by heavy storms. LadyPakington was the Lady Paramount, and discharged the duties of her office greatly to the satisfaction of all present.Four ends of targets were pitched for the members, and one end for the strangers. The distance was sixty yards;the number of arrows twelve dozen. The following is a list of the shooters:--

Ladies: Miss and Miss M. Bearcroft, Miss Bennitt, Miss Berkeley (Cotheridge), Miss Berkeley (Spetchley), Miss Blount, Mrs. Davison, Miss Hill, Miss Holland, Miss and Miss E. Norbury, Miss Temple, Mrs. Walcot.

Gentlemen: Rev. T. Bearcroft, Sir E. Blount, W. Blount, Esq., --Bennitt, Esq., Rev. J. Cooke, Colonel Clowes, Rev.J. R. Davison, Hon. and Rev. G. Clifford, E. Isaac,, Esq., J. S. Isaac, Esq., J. W. Isaac, Esq., Rev. O. K. Prescott, Rev. C. J. Sale, Rev W. Temple, M. E. Vale, Esq., Rev. W. R. Villers, Rev J. Walcot, Rev. J. Webster.

The following ladies and gentlemen had rings excluded:-
Mrs. Davison 2; Colonel Clowes, 2, Miss M. Bearcroft, 1, Rev. J. R. Davison, 1; Rev. J. Walcot, 1.

Hopkins's Quadrille Band played at intervals throughout tile day. At three o'clock the shooting was agreeably brokenin upon by an adjournment to the dinner tent, where an excellent repast was provided by Mr. Hambler, of Worcester. Mr. Norbury presided; and, after the usual loyal toasts had been duly honoured, Sir E. Blount proposed the "Health Or the Lady Paramount." Sir J. S. Pakington returned thanks, and gave the " Health of the Host and Hostess," whose courteous attentions to their guests had contributed to make the first meeting of the season mostagreeable, as well as successful. Mr. Norbury having duly responded to the toast, the tent was shortly deserted, andthe shooting resumed. It did not terminate until after seven o'clock, when the lists were made up, and the prizesawarded by the Lady Paramount. The Ladies' Challenge Prize was given to Mrs. Davison (hits 120, score 519), the Gentlemen's to Colonel Clowes (bits 124, score 574). Mrs. Davison and Colonel Clowes also gained the First Lady'sand First Gentleman's Prizes (hits 60 and 74, scores 390 and 464). The Second Lady's Prize was awarded to Mrs.Walcot (hits 79, score 307), the second Gentleman's Prize to the Rev. T. Bearcroft (95 and 399). The prizes for the best hits in the gold were given to Miss Hill and the Rev. J. Walcot. The visitors' prizes were awarded to Miss Berkeley (Cotheridge), hits 40, score 166, and the Rev. O. K. Prescott, 96 and 448.

The sports and pleasures of the day were agreeably terminated by a hall.

The costume of the lady members of the Worcestershire Archery Society is remarkable for its picturesque elegance. It consists of & white felt (" wide-awake ") hat, bound round with dark green velvet, the white crown encircled by a green velvet band, from the bow of which droops a green and white ostrich feather. The jacket is of green silk, on which is worn the member's badge, and the skirt is of white muslin. These, with the usual archery equipments, make up a very charming costume. The introduction of the felt hat, in place of the large white chip hat,is due to the refined taste of Lady Georgiana Lygon.

Our Illustration (from a sketch by Cuthbert Bede) shows the picturesque and park-like scenery of Sherridge, enlivened by the groups of archers and their friends. This peaceful " tented field " is shut in with groups of nobletrees, gradually opening out to the distance, where "Malvern's lonely height" --from which, according to Macaulay," twelve fair counties " may be seen-- terminates the landscape with a broken line of hills. The chief part of the hillsseen in the Sketch is the North Hill.