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Notes Chapter VI
1. Vol. i. p. 131, reprint of 1892.
2. Certaine Discourses. London, 1590.
3. The Indian Tribes of the U.S.A. vol. i. p. 77.
4. This was written in 1853 in the time of muzzle-loaders.
5. Voyages and Travels of an Indian Interpreter. London, 1791.
6. Vol. iii. 1853, from which this account of the affair is condensed.
7. Nat. Hist. of Man, p. 651.
8. Trans. Eth. Soc., vol. i.
9. Trans-SIberian Savages, by B. Douglas Howard.
10. Nat. Hist. of Man, vol. i.
11. Polynesian Researches vol. ii. p. 299. London, 1829.
12. An Account of the Natives of the Tonga Islands, by W. Mariner. Edited by John Martin. London 1817.
13. Trans. Eth. Soc. vol. iii. N. S.
14. Nat. Hist. of Man. vol. i, pp. 284 et seq.
15. Preliminary Notice on the Arrow Poison of the Wa Nyika,' by T. R. Fraser, M.D., F.R.S., and J. Tillie, -M.D. (Trans. Roy. Soc. 1893). This paper gives a full chemical account of this poison and its effects on frogs and rabbits.
16. Wanderings in South America, by Charles Waterton, 4th ed. 1839. See also The Indian Tribes of Guiana, by the Rev. W. H. Brett, 1868.
17. Nat. Hist. of Man, vol. i. p. 595.
18. Wanderings in South America, 4th ed. p. 64.
19. The English Bowman, p. 100.