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Notes Chapter IX
1. Philip de Comines.
2. Statute of Winchester.
3. 12 Ed. IV. Penalty 6s. 8d. for each bowstave deficient.
4. I Richard III. Penalty 135. 4d.
5. I Richard III.c. 2.
6. 3 Henry VIII. c. 3.
7. Archaeologia, vol. xxii.
8. Grose, Mil. Ant.
9. Life and Rayne of Henry VIII.
10. i.e. without armour
11. Life and Rayne of Henry VIII.
12. 6 Henry VIII c, 13.
13. 14 Henry VIII. c. 7.
14. Hist. MSS. Com. 9th Report.
15. State Papers, Dom. vol. ccxiv. No. IO (1590) is a grant of a pardon to E. Seabourne for killing H. Reignolds by chance with an arrow while practising at 12 score pricks.
16. State Papers, Dom. vol. cxxv.
17. 33 Henry VIII. c. 9.
18. Sir Thomas Elyot, The Governour.
19. 4 & 5 Philip & Mary c. 2.
20. State Papers, Ven. vol. vi.
21. Grose, Mil. Ant.
22. Harl. MS. 309. [3
23. State Papers, Dom, vol. cclix.
24. Froude. Hist. Eng. vol. viii.
25. State Papers, Dom. vol. cclxxiv.
26. State Papers, Dom. vol. xi.
27. 13 Eliz. c. 14.
28. State Papers, Dom. vol. Ixxxiii. 4
29. Hatfield MSS. 214.
30. Hist. MSS. Com. 10th Report.
31. State Papers, Dom. vol. cxiv.
32. Harl. MS. 168.
33. Certain Discourses, 1590, and Certain Instructions, 1594.
34. A Briefe Discourse, 1594.
35. A Briefe Discourse of War, 1590. [5
36. The Practice, Proceedings and Laws of Arms, 1593.
37. Things needful at this time.
38. The Pathwaie to Martial Discipline, 1584
39. Backsights were not invented till later.
40. Probably in consequence of his being sent to the Tower in 1594 and kept there for two years, for using seditious language and inciting some of the musters to mutiny: see State Papers, Dom. vols. cclix., cclxiii., cclxiv.
41. Harl. MS; 135.
42. Sir J. Hayward. Lives of the Four Norman Kings and Bingham. The Tactics of AElian.
43. State Papers, Dom. vol. cccxxxiv.
44. Raikes, Hist. Hon. Art. Co.
45. Archaeologia, vol. xiii.
46. Query 'Racks'
47. A sort of crossbow with a barrel. Halliwell, Archaic Dict.
48. Similar lists are given fur other places
49. B. M. MS. 5752.
50. Daniel, Hist. de la Mil. Fran.
51. Hist. MSS. Com. 8th Report.
52. Lans. MS. 73.
53. Hazlitt, The Livery Companies.
54. Raikes, Hist. H. A. C.
55. State Papers, Dom. vol. Ixxiv.
56. Archaeologia Scotica, vol. iii.
57. Daniel, Hist. Mil. Fran.
58. State Papers, Dom. vol. xcviii.; Rymer.
59. Ibid., Dom. vol. clxxxiii.
60. Rymer
61. State Papers, Dom. vol. cccx.
62. Ibid., Dom. vol. ccclvi.
63. Ibid., Dom. vol. ccclxi.
64. Ibid., Dom. vol. cccxcvii.
65. Ibid., Dom. ccccvii.
66. Clarendon, Hist. of the Rebellion.
67. Grose, Mil. Ant.
68. Napier, Memoirs of Montrose.
69. Archaeologia Scotica, vol. iii.
70. Scottish Journal of Topography, vol. i.
71. Pallas Armata.
72. Memoirs of C. Lee.
73. Raikes, Hist. H. A. C.
74. Considerations of the reasons . . . for reviving the use of the Longbow.