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Chapter XXVI
Archery in the United States
Part 2 of 4

The National Meeting of 1884 was held at Pullman, Illinois, near Chicago, July 8 to 10. Owing to a misunderstanding as to the date, the attendance was greatly reduced. Twenty-five archers from the neighbourhood of Cincinnati alone were stopped when about to start for the place of meeting. Only one lady and fifteen gentlemen competed. Will H. Thompson again became champion, having won 4 of the 10 points, including gross score. Mr. Williams won the points for hits and score at 100 yards and gross hits, and Mr. Beach received those for hits and score at 60 yards:--

Name 100 yards 80 yards 60 yards Total
Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score
Will H. Thompson 63 237 68 314 43 209 174 760
R. Williams, jun. 67 251 65 267 43 227 175 745
C. C. Beach 46 176 65 297 44 250 155 723
H. S. Taylor 44 160 50 198 39 181 133 539

Mrs. George S. Hall walked over for the Ladies' Championship with:--

60 yards 50 yards Total
Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score
46 204 42 212 88 416

Eaton, Ohio, was selected as the place for the next National Meeting, and July 7 to 9, 1885, seventeen ladies and twenty-two gentlemen shot. At this meeting Colonel Williams made the National record at the Double York Round, winning the Championship with the entire 10 points:--

Name 100 yards 80 yards 60 yards Total
Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score
R. Williams, jun. 91 357 78 360 46 278 215 995
C. C. Beach 46 172 75 347 44 214 165 733
J. W B. Siders 39 173 57 275 41 199 137 647
Will H. Thompson 52 198 53 233 38 176 143 607
W. A. Clark 51 197 50 200 40 198 141 595
C. S. Upson 42 164 54 188 40 202 136 554
C. J. Strong 30 132 53 227 39 151 122 510
M. C. Howell 39 127 44 174 42 202 125 503

Mrs. M. C. Howell won the National Championship with 5 of the 8 points, Miss Pollock winning 1 point for hits at 60 yards and z points for greatest total hits:--

Name 60 yards 50 yards Total
Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score
Mrs. M. C. Howell 75 353 46 252 121 605
Miss J. Pollock 78 300 44 216 122 516
Mrs. J. Arthur 65 271 42 210 107 481
Mrs. J. T.. Shawan 57 217 38 174 95 387

The interest in archery had now centred in the Ohio Valley, and few clubs remained on the Atlantic slope. These were grouped into an Eastern Association, which held annual meetings, whose members did not attend those of the National Association. with a view to securing the presence of these bowmen, Chautauqua, New York, was selected as the place for the next National Meeting, which was held August 17 to 19, 1886. the effort was a failure, as of the twelve ladies and eleven gentlemen who entered the contests but two were from east of the Ohio. W. A. Clark won the Championship with 8 of the 10 points, Mr. Sidway having won those for hits and score at 100 yards:--

Name 100 yards 80 yards 60 yards Total
Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score
W. A. Clark 43 195 72 298 43 225 158 718
F. Sidway 56 198 52 198 37 155 145 558
C. C. Beach 32 136 56 222 41 169 129 527

Mr. Clark at this meeting established the National Short Range record at the Double American Round:--

60 yards 50 yards 40 yards Total
Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score
59 313 60 388 60 396 179 1097

Mrs. M. C. Howell again won the National Championship, with 7 1/2 of the 8 points, having divided the point for hits at 50 yards with Mrs. Phillips:--

Name 60 yards 50 yards Total
Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score
Mrs. M. C. Howell 82 386 44 238 126 624
Mrs. A. M. Phillips 75 34 44 218 119 559

The National Meeting for the season of 188'7 was held at Washington, D.C., July 12-14. Eighteen ladies and twenty-eight gentlemen competed, the largest attendance since 1883. W. A. Clark again won the Championship, securing 7 1/2 of the 10 points, T. F. Scott having won 2 points for hits and score at 100 yards, and L. W. Maxson half a point for hits at 60 yards. No other York Round score was made above 500, the excessive heat taking the vigour out of both archer and bow:--

100 yards 80 yards 60 yards Total
Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score
42 134 64 214 43 201 149 579

Mrs. Phillips, who ranked second at Chautauqua, won the National Championship with 7 1/2 of the 8 points, dividing the point for score at 60 yards with Mrs. Arthur:--

Name 60 yards 50 yards Total
Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score
Mrs. A. M. Phillips 83 385 48 246 131 631
Mrs. J. Arthur 81 385 43 225 124 610
Mrs. M. C. Howell 78 362 41 215 119 577
Mrs. C. B. Schoolfield 71 303 41 195 112 498
Mrs. W. A. Bartlett 63 251 39 185 102 436
Mrs. L. W. Maxson 53 223 38 160 91 383

At this meeting the Potomac was introduced as an optional round for those who were unwilling to shoot the York. In 1890 this round was opened to all members of the National Association, and in 1893 it was abolished.

As a result of this meeting at the capital, a decided impetus was given to archery, and at the next National Meeting, held on the Battery Park at the Soldiers' Home, Dayton, Ohio, August 29 to 31, 1888, twenty-one ladies and thirty-five gentlemen shot. Will H. Thompson won the Championship for the third time, with 5 1/2 of the 10 points:--

Name 100 yards 80 yards 60 yards Total
Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score
L. W. Maxson 63 205 63 289 45 245 171 739
Will H Thompson 66 244 71 309 38 180 175 733
R.Williams, jun. 449 183 67 309 41 181 157 673
H. M. Pollock 42 152 70 282 39 199 151 633
J. Benckenstein 38 146 52 224 36 188 126 558
T. F. Scott 44 200 50 232 28 120 122 552

Mrs A. M. Phillips won the National Championship with 5 of the 8 points, Mrs. Howell having won 3 points on hits at 50 yards and total hits :--

Name 60 yards 50 yards Total
Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score
Mrs. A. M. Phillips 82 424 42 258 124 682
Mrs. M. C. Howell 80 388 46 252 126 640

The numerous special matches of this meeting diminished to such an extent the number of competitors at the York and National Rounds, that at all ensuing meetings all contests have been thrown open to the entire membership.

194. Mr. L. W. Maxson, Champion Archer of the United States for 1888, '89, '90, '91, '92 and '93.
194. Mr. L. W. Maxson, Champion Archer of the United States for 1888, '89, '90, '91, '92 and '93.

So well pleased were the archers with Dayton that the next National Meeting was held there August 27 to 29, 1889, twenty-four ladies and twenty-seven gentlemen shooting. Mr. Maxson won the Championship with 7 1/2 of the 10 points, Mr. Scott having 1 point for score at 100 yards, and Mr. Shawan 1 point for score and 1/2 point for hits at 60 yards:--

Name 100 yards 80 yards 60 yards Total
Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score
L. W. Maxson 66 220 68 308 46 238 180 766
J. T Shawan 55 191 46 190 46 240 147 621
T. F. Scott 58 260 49 189 26 116 133 565
C. C. Beach 53 187 45 211 35 135 133 533

Mrs. A. M. Phillips again won the Championship with 6 of the 8 points at the Double National Round, Mrs. Kern having 1 point for hits and Mrs. Howell 1 point for score at 50 yards:--

Name 60 yards 50 yards Total
Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score
Mrs. A. M. Phillips 89 481 42 232 131 713
Mrs. M. C. Howell 83 387 44 238 127 625
Mrs. A. Kern 78 374 47 239 125 613
Mrs. J. P. Newman 53 227 40 184 93 411