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Notes Section XI
1. Young rooks.
2. See French Archery.
3. Carmarthenshire; an excellent fly-fishing stream, that flows not far from Tom Shawn Catti's Cave.
4. Stone bow
5. Liebault, A. D. 1620.
6. See Shakspeare, at page 79, 80. of this work.
7. See Welsh Archery, page 168.
8. Merry Wives of Windsor.
9. No. 1715.
10. Preserved in the library of King's College, Cambridge.
11. Child.
12. A single line.
13. The Lichfield Museum, among other rarities, possessed a very ancient bow and arrows for "killing rats and mice."
14. "Ayme for Finsbury Archers; or, an alphabetical table of the names of every mark within the same fields, with their true distances, both by the map and dimensuration with the line, published for the ease of the skilful, and behoof of the younger beginners in the famed exercise of Archerie, by T. J. and C. B. London, 1594. 16mo.

To be sold at the sign of the Swan in Grub Street, by F. Sargeant.

I imagine it was originally drawn out to illustrate one of the little guides for archers, which was arranged in the manner of tile modern books of hackney coach fares, and passed through several editions, varying as the marks were changed.''--From a pamphlet by A. Kempe, F. S. A., printed for private circulation only. This gentleman has communicated some very intelligent papers on archery to the Gents.' Magazine.

Before the "genus irritabile vatum," as Horace christened his brother poets, had invaded Grub Street, that locality was possessed by the bowyer and fletcher caste. Charles Cotton thus sarcastically writes of some one:--

And arrow loosed from Grub Street bow
In Finsburie, to him is slow.

Sir W. Davenant likewise, in a mock heroic poem, entitled " The Long Vacation," describes the idle attorneys and proctors making archery matches in the Finsbury fields:--

With loynes in canvas bow case tied,
Where arrows stick with mickle pride,
Like ghosts of Adam Bell or Clymme,
Sol sets,--for fear they'll shoot at him.