"Arab Archery"
An Arabic manuscript of about A.D. 1500 “Book on the Excellence of the Bow and Arrow” and the Description thereof.
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A book on the excellence of the bow and arrow and the description thereof
- In the Name of God the Merciful, the Compassionate
- On holy war and the service of archery therein
- On the excellence of the arab bow, its use, adoption, the reward of the maker of its arrows, its target, urging the mastery of its technique, the offense of him who discards it after he has learned its use, and the first to use and the first to make it
- On the different kinds of bows and the most desirable of them
- On the names and nomenclatures of the arab bows and their different parts
- On the master archers
- On the principles of loosing and the different schools therein
- Things the archer should know
- How to determine the cast of the bow, its weight, and the limit of the archer's strength in drawing
- On testing the bow before bracing
- On bracing, which is the same as stringing
- On the curvature of the bow after bracing
- On unstringing
- On picking up the bow and arrow preparatory to shooting and the manner of shooting
- On the different draws and the manner of locking the thumb and the index finger on the string, and on the rules of arranging the index finger upon the thumb
- On how to hold the grip of the bow with the left hand
- On the clench
- On drawing and its limits
- On aiming, which is the same as pointing at the target
- On the loose or release
- On the passage of the arrow over the left hand
- On blisters and wounds on the index finger of the right hand caused by stringing, clenching, drawing and loosing, together with the remedies thereof
- On the blow of the string on the archer's right thumb, which causes it to turn black and blue on the inside and beneath the nail and sometimes results in breaking the nail; as well as on the blistering and bruising of the left thumb at the time of shooting, together with the remedies thereof
- On the blow of the string on the forearm of the archer and the remedy thereof
- On the blow of the string on the chin of the archer, or on his ear, and the remedies thereof
- When the tip of the bow hits the ground at the moment of loosing, and the remedy thereof
- When the nock of the arrow breaks and the remedy thereof
- On causing the arrow to move on itself, or wag, in its flight
- On the management of the arrow when shooting against the wind, et cetera, and on trying not to shoot it when a break is found after it has been fully drawn
- On how near or how far the target should be
- On standing and sitting for aiming
- On the variations in the length and construction of the Arab Bow
- On strings; how to make them and how to form their eyes
- On the length and shortness of the string
- On the thinness and thickness of the string and on how to choose the correct and appropriate size
- On the weight of the string in relation to the weight of the bow
- On the names of the various kinds of arrows and their different parts; and on the length of each kind, the desirable wood from which to make it, and the manner of its paring
- On arrowheads; the different kinds, their various uses, how to fix them on the shaft; and the manner of cutting arrow-nocks
- On feathers and fletching
- On the weight of arrows, arrow heads, and feathers
- On sundry points not yet mentioned concerning the competition bow, the description of its arrow, and the manner of its use, together with some of the tricks employed in competitions
- On thumb-tips and the various kinds thereof
- On shooting with the ḥusbān, dawdan, and ‘uṣfūri arrows through the hollow of a guide
- On stunt shooting
- Targets and target practice
- Quivers, belt, arrow picker, file
- Inscriptions on bows, arrows, and quivers
1. Reinforced Bows
2. Length of the Composite Bow
3. The Composite Bow
4. Bracing
5. The Male Feather
6. The Cubit
7. Weights of Bows
8. Sighting and Range
9. Horns Used in Bows
10. Knots
11.The Dirham and its Equivalents
12. Lengths of Arrows
13. Relative Weights
14. The majra or Arrow Guide
15. The meaning of fard and qīrāt
16. The Returning Arrow
17. Featherless Arrows
Arabic finger reckoning, The Digits
Arabic finger reckoning, The Tens
Turkish bow and siper
Demonstrating the lock called the "sixty three"
The six different draws or "locks" according to the arabic system of Finger reckoning
Genuine Bowstring Knot in a Chinese String
Various knots
Chinese Bows from Peking and Arrows from Canton
Korean, Sind and Light Turkish Bow
Translator and Annotator