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Archery, its theory and practice
by H. A. Ford, 2nd Edition, 1859.
A glance at the career of the english long bow.

The Anglo-Norman Period—Robin Hood—Military Achievements of the Bow in the Middle Ages—Its Decline and Fall—Revival for Amusement—First Toxophilite Societies— Grand National Archery Society

of the bow.

Variety of its Form and Material—The Flodden Bow—The Bows in the Tower—The Self-Bow, and the various Woods of which it is made—Yew, its Quality and Superiority— How to secure Pins—The proper Shape of the Bow—Its correct Length—The Backed Bow—Various Woods of which it is made—The Yew-backed Yew—The Reflexed Shape condemned, and why—A Comparison between Self and Backed-Yew Bows—The Carriage Bow

how to choose a bow, and how to use and preserve it when chosen.

Popular Errors in the Choice of a Bow—Most accomplished Shots—Directions as to Strength of Bow to be Chosen— General Principles to Guide its Selection—Reasons why Bows are Broken—How to secure Chrysals—General Directions for its Preservation and Repair—Of Broken Limbs— Concerning Unstringing—Weight and Length of Ladies' Bows—Care in the Choice and Use of a Bow recommended

Of the Arrow.

Essentials of an Arrow—How to Test its Straightness and Strength—Best kind of Arrow, and best Materials for its Manufacture—Apparent Antagonism between the Theory and Practice of Archery, as regards the Flight of the Arrow, discussed and explained—The Chested and Bobtailed Arrows condemned, and why—Various Shapes of the Arrow—Its Feathering—Its Pile—Its Nock—Its Length—Its Weight —How to Preserve the Feathers from Damp, and to Restore them to Shape when Ruffled by Wet—Curious Effects in Different Feathering of Arrows—Change of Tackle whilst Shooting condemned—How to Keep and Preserve Arrows— Necessity of Good "Stopping"

of the string, the bracer, and shooting-glove.

The Best Strings—Directions in their Choice—How to make the Loop—Its Length—Some Directions for its Preservation The Object of the Bracer—Ascham's Idea of it—Directions for its Make, Material, and Mode of Fixture—Importance of a Well-fitting Shooting-Glove—Difficulty of laying down Defined Rules for its Size, Shape, &c.—Some Directions for its Manufacture—Some Specimens of Good Gloves—The Tab

of the grease-box, tassell, belt, etc.

The Grease-box—The Tassel—The Belt—The Scoring Apparatus—The Ascham—The Register—The Targets—The Stands—The Meyler Stand—The Quiver

of bracing and nocking.

Different Modes of Bracing—How to Accomplish it—The Proper Bend of the Bow when Strung—How to Ascertain it —The Ordinary Direction for Nocking condemned, and why The Better Mode—The Nocking Place—The Proper Degree of Tightness—A Word to the Young Archer as to Changing the Nocking part

of position.

The Standing and Attitudes of the Archer—Requirements of a Good Position—What to Observe, and What to Avoid— The Position of Feet, Heels, Knees, Shoulders, Body, and Head—The Grasp of the Bow—Waring's Method condemned, and why—The Opposite also condemned—The Proper Grasp—The Position of the Bow

of drawing.

Drawing an Essential Feature of Archery—Examples of Bad Methods—Different Modes adopted by Good Archers—The Best Mode—Necessity of Drawing an Even Length, and inutility of Devices to attain it—Unremitting Practice the only way—A Common Failing of all Archers—General Directions for Drawing — Position of Left Arm a most important Feature—Mr. Waring's Arm-striking Theory condemned, and why—Necessity of an Unobstructed Passage of the String demonstrated—Proper Position of the Left Arm—The Length of the Draw—Drawing to the Breast condemned, and why—Concluding Remarks

of aiming.

Prevailing Ignorance on this Point—Absence of Scientific Instruction upon it in all Existing Works—Curious Expedients resorted to to Obtain an Aim—These "dodges" condemned, and why—Directions for its Full and Proper Attainment, and its Theory clearly elucidated—The Direct and Indirect Vision—The Point of Aim Explained—An Example—How the Direct Vision should be applied—Aiming at Lengths beyond the Target Distances—Shutting One Eye

of holding and loosing.

Ascham's Directions the Correct Ones—Importance of Loosing—Misapprehension amongst Archers concerning it—Necessity of its Perfect Command—What is and what is not a Good Loose—Its Effect upon the Flight of the Arrow— Directions for its Proper Attainment—Position of the String upon the Fingers—Some Ugly Habits condemned

of distance shooting.

Its Divisions — Clout-shooting—The Modern System considered as a Test of Skill or Strength—The Edinburgh Match—Justice to Modern Clout-shooting not forgotten —Roving—Flight-shooting — Length of Probable Range considered—Experiments of Mr. Muir—My Own

of ancient and modern scoring.

Best Shots of the Toxophilites—Best Scores of Mr. Brady, Mr. Crunden, Mr. Palmer, Mr. Cazalet, Mr. Shepheard— Result of Mr. Waring's Arm-striking Theory—Mr. Anderson the "Incomparable" Archer—More Modern Archers —Shooting at the National Meetings considered—Some Scores of Messrs. Ford, Garnett, Bramhall, Moore, Mait-land. Flood, Marr, Heath, Watson, and Muir—First and Second Scores of all the National Meetings to July, 1858 —Concluding Remarks

Robin Hood—Distance, Accuracy and Force of the Shooting of his time—Did he Shoot in a Modern Hat—Social Character of Archery—Observations to a Young Archer—Also to an Old One—A Short Address to the Fair Sex—A Farewell 125—133

On the Formation, Rules, and Regulations of Societies