to the
Gentle Reader,
The favour bestowed on my late Articles upon the "Theory and Practice of Archery," published some months back in the Field newspaper, has induced me to present them to your notice embodied in their present more permanent form. Considerable additional matter, and the necessary illustrations and diagrams, (which were un-suited to the former mode of publication,) have now been introduced, but with this exception and some few trifling alterations, the present Work is very much a resumé, of those Articles, a careful revision having suggested no modification of the views and theories therein laid down.
If you are already an Archer, it is hoped the perusal of the following pages may assist your onward progress in the noble Art—if one of those benighted beings who know it not, then that it may at least induce you to commence its study; having done so, there is little fear of your ever abandoning the pursuit.
Your sincere well-wisher and friend,