to the
Brethren of the Bow,
Three more National Archery Meetings have come, and gone, since the First Edition of this Work issued from the Press. The result of those Meetings has been to confirm me in my position as Holder of the Champion's Medal, and also to convince me more firmly than ever of the correctness of the theories and principles of our Art, as laid down in "The Theory and Practice of Archery." I might, perhaps, without undue vanity, lay the "flattering unction to my soul" that the great improvement which has evidently taken place during the last two years, was, in some degree, owing to the more general adoption of those principles; be this as it may, I can, at any rate, point to several of the leading Archers of the day as having attained their position in consequence of having formed, or re-formed, their practice in conformity with them. This being so, you will require no apology at my hands for introducing this Second Edition to your notice—nay, more, you will doubtless evince your appreciation of my labours in your behalf, by rendering it imperative upon me to contemplate even the possibility of a Third issue. Anyway, if I can but assist, in however slight a degree, in the spread and improvement of our favorite amusement, my first object, in having published my lucubrations at all, will have been gained.
Your friend,