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Compound Eskimo Arrows, wWith two Feathers, or None, and Flat Nocks

FIG. 1. SHAFT, cylindrical. No feathers. Nock, flat; notch, large and U-shaped. The bead consists of a long shank of bone, in the end of which an iron blade is inserted and held in place by an iron rivet. The arrow shaft is cut wedge-shaped and fitted into an angular notch in the bone shank, held in place by wooden rivets, and seized with sinew. Total length, 26 1/2 inches.

FIG. 3 is similar to fig. 1.

Cat. No 2529, U. S. N. M. Asiatic Eskimo. Collected by Commodore Rodgers, U. S. Navy.

FIG. 2. SHAFT, short and rudely made. Head is in two parts; the long shank of iron, on the outer end of which a blade of iron is riveted. Feathers, two, laid on flat and held in place by sinew. All of the specimens from this region are very poor, owing to the lack of wood, and they are also much modified by contact with the whites (thanks to the early appearance in this region of whale ships). Compare fig. 4. Length, shaft, 2 feet 2 inches; foreshaft, 6 inches.

Cat. No. 30016, U. S. N . M. Eskimo of Cumberland Gulf. Collected by W. A. Munster. U.S. Navy.

FIG. 4. THE SHAFT is of pine. The head consists of two parts, a shank of bone .and a blade of iron let into the saw cut and riveted in place. The shank is spliced onto the shaft and seized with sinew twine. Feathers, two, laid on flat and held in place by a rough wrapping of sinew. Nock, flat. In this same number are other specimens differing from the one described in minute particulars. One specimen has a common nail for the head, with a piece of nail let in transversely as a stop. Other examples are unfinished. Length of shaft, 2 feet 1 inch.

Cat. No. 90138, U. S. N. M. Whale River Indians, Eskimo stock, Labrador. Collected by Lucien Turner.

FIG. 5. The type is fully described and figured in Pl. LIX.