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PLATE XXXVII: The Making and Mounting of an Arrow Point

PLATE XXXVIII: Materials of the Arrow Maker

PLATE XXXIX: Tools of the Arrow Maker.

PLATE XL: The Parts of an Arrow.

PLATE XLI: Arrows of Southern California and Arizona.

PLATE XLII: Arrows of the Pueblo Region and Southwestern United States

PLATE XLIII: Arrows of Apache Tribes, Southwestern United States

PLATE XLIV: Arrows from Various Tribes of the Great Interior Basin

PLATE XLV: Arrows of Caddoan Tribes, Texas and Northwards

PLATE XLVI: Siouan Arrows, Dakota Tribes

PLATE XLVII: Siouan Arrows, Nebraska and Dakota

PLATE XLVIII: Arrows of Northern California and Oregon

PLATE XLIX: Arrows of the Pacific States, from California to Washington

PLATE L: Arrows of Tribes about Puget Sound, Washington and British Columbia

PLATE LI: Arrows of Southeastern Alaska and Western British Columbia

PLATE LII: Barbed and Harpoon Arrows of the Eskimo about the Alaskan Peninsula

PLATE LIII: Eskimo Arrows, with Flat Feathers and Long Points

PLATE LIV: Bird Bolts from Various Areas

PLATE LV: Western Eskimo Barbed Arrows

PLATE LVI: Northwestern Eskimo Rankling Arrows

PLATE LVII: Bird Bolts of Northwestern Eskimo

PLATE LVIII: Compound Eskimo Arrows, With Two Feathers, or None, and Flat Nocks

PLATE LIX: The Dissection of a Sea-Otter Arrow, Cook's Inlet

PLATE LX: Arrows With Stops, Retrieving Barbs, or Compound Pile

PLATE LXI: Plain Bows from the Southwest, and Sinew-lined, Narrow Type

PLATE LXII: Plain Bows, Sinew-lined, and Compound Bows, the Last Named Also Sinew-Lined

PLATE LXIII: Sinew-lined Bows, Broad Type. One Bow Plain

PLATE LXIV:Plain Bows. One Example Compound with Sinew Cable Backing

PLATE LXV: Sinew Backed Bows of Eskimo

PLATE LXVI: Sinew Backed Bows of Eskimo, Southern Type

PLATE LXVII: Sinew Backed Bows of Eskimo

PLATE LXVIII: Sinew Backed Bows of Eskimo

PLATE LXIX: Sinew Backed Bows of Eskimo, Arctic Types

PLATE LXX: Sinew Backed Bows of Eskimo, Arctic and Southern Types

PLATE LXXI: Sinew Backed Bows of Eskimo

PLATE LXXII: Sinew Backed Bows of Eskimo, Western Type

PLATE LXXIII: Sinew Backed Bows of Eskimo, Mixed Types

PLATE LXXIV: Sinew Backed Bows of Eskimo

PLATE LXXV: Twisting Levers forSinew Backed Bows of Eskimo

PLATE LXXVI: A Map to Illustrate the Distribution of Eskimo Bows

PLATE LXXVII: Apache Arrow Case and Arrow

PLATE LXXVIII: Apache Arrow Case and Arrow

PLATE LXXIX: Navajo Quiver, Sinew-Lined Bow and Arrow, All of Northern Type

PLATE LXXX: Cheyenne Quiver, Self Bow and Arrow, With Shaft Grooves

PLATE LXXXI: Chippewa Self Bow and Arrow, and Quiver

PLATE LXXXII: Kiowa Quiver Containing Bows and Arrows in their Cases, Fire Bag, and Awl Case

PLATE LXXXIII: Dakota Quiver, Self Bow and Arrow, With Shaft Grooves

PLATE LXXXIV: Sioux Quiver, made of Cow Skin, Arrow and Bow

PLATE LXXXV: Dakota Quiver, Self Bow and Arrow, With Straight Shaft Groove


PLATE LXXXVII: Shoshonkan Quiver, Plain Arrow with Shaft Grooves, and Sinew-Lined Bow of California Type

PLATE LXXXVIII: Nez Perce Quiver and Bow

PLATE LXXXIX: Ute or Shoshonean Quiver, Bow, and Arrow

PLATE XC: Nez Percé or Shahaptian Quiver, Bow, and Arrow with Sixuous Shaft Groove

PLATE XCI: McCloud River (Cal.) Quiver, Sinew-Lined Bow, and Foreshafted Arrow

PLATE XCII: Bow, Arrows, and Quiver of the Hupa Indians, of California

PLATE XCIII: Cumberland Gulf Eskimo Quiver, Sinew-Backed Bow, and Two-Flat-Feathered Arrow

PLATE XCIV: Fort Anderson Eskimo Quiver, Sinew-Backed Bow, and Two-Feather Barbed Arrow