Shooting for Fun, Thrills, Pleasure and Satisfaction
Archery furnishes clean and companionable enjoyment and is perhaps man’s oldest sport. Once, man depended on the bow and arrow for his livelihood and protection. Now, he is thrilled to find he has latent ability to user archery tackle. Feeling the tug of the bow string, hearing the whiz of the arrow and the "thuck" as it hits the target gives pleasure to any outdoor-minded person. Satisfaction comes when you see your arrow speed away to stand quivering in a difficult target. Even a near miss gives you the hope that the next shot will hit. Once intiated, few ever escape the "Witchery of Archery".
DEER. A fascinating book for boys is "Two Little Savages" by Ernest Thompson Seton. It was the writer's bible. In it is described a splendid archery game called "Deer". A dummy deer (a bag stuffed with leaves or straw will serve) is carried from a starting point by the archer being "it". The "deer" leaves a trail of cut up paper or one made with tracking irons. After a prearranged interval the others follow the trail and locate the "deer". The one sighting the hidden "deer" counts ten points and gets first shot. Each hit counts five. If no one hits from the first sight of the "deer", everybody moves in ten paces. Moves are made until the "deer" is hit (but not closer than fifteen paces) and then all shooting is done from that point. If the "deer" is so well hidden that it is not found, the "deer" (the one carrying it) scores twenty-five.
INDIAN GAMES. The Indians used to make wooden hoops two feet in diameter with gaudy feathers tied around the rim. These were rolled down a hillside or along a level place and the object was to shoot through the moving hoops. In winter a frozen pond or a flat piece of hard-surfaced snow was picked out. One archer would skim his arrow along the slippery surface and another at right angles to him would try to hit the sliding arrow. Keeping arrows in the air was another stunt. The one who could keep the most in the air, won. Seven is considered exceptional.
ARCHERY-GOLF. This is played over a golf course. Instead of driving a ball from hole to hole, arrows are shot from target to target. The one getting around in the smallest number of shots, wins. Official Rules for this game may be had from The Ohio Archery Golf and Hunting Association, Mr. Paris B. Stockdale, Secretary, Department of Geology, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.