After you are through shooting, unstring your bow. If you leave it strung overnight it may lose cast. It is best to keep your tackle dry. If you get caught in the rain, wipe your bow and arrows with a soft dry cloth. If the feathers on vour arrows get mussed, run them through the steam from the spout of a briskly steaming water kettle. They will fluff out at once. Don't overdraw your bow, or try to see how far it will bend without breaking. It is said that a drawn bow is seven-eighths broken. Bows are wood, and wood breaks. The flat side of your bow is the back; don't draw it or string it any other way than flat side out. Your bow will become accustomed to your particular style of draw. It is poor policy to let others use your pet bow. It won't do it any good. The best way to store your bows is to hang them on pegs on the wall. Keep them away from radiators. Do not jam too many arrows in a quiver; it spoils the feathers. It is best to keep them in a wooden box with spaces for each arrow. Almost all wooden bows "follow the string", or take a set in the drawing direction. A set is no real objection, so do not try to straighten a bow by bending against this natural set. It is a good plan to wipe arrows clean and dry after you are through a day's shooting. Be sure the whipping in the loop or eye and in the center of the bowstring does not fray. Replace it if it does. Wax your bowstring frequently. Don't pull your bow and let go. That is an excellent way to snap the string and break your bow. It is a good plan to have an arrow on the string whenever you draw; then you can't draw too far and strain the bow.