Little episodes of this sort rank among the fables of archery, and are expected whenever citizens of the said species visit the range, and they are very numerous. Another peculiarity very noticeable is that it seems impossible for the average spectator to enjoy the surroundings without more or less interfering with the participants. Archery is a pastime requiring intense concentration of the faculties on the one object, and many an arrow is sent wide of the mark through some thoughtless act of the spectator, which attracts the attention of the archer at the critical moment of "loosing," that otherwise would have found its way with unerring certainty to the mark. However unintentional the cause, the result is always the same; and this stray hint may not be amiss. Admitting that to the looker-on the sport may be tame, to the participant it has a zest and piquancy hard to explain, which is known only to the archer, but by him thoroughly understood and felt; and the fact that good shooting requires so much attention to the apparently trivial details only adds to the enjoyment felt as the flying shafts strike the mark.
The army of archers is daily receiving accessions from all ranks of life. It is a pastime which is suited to both sexes, from youth to age, and as it requires the open air and fair weather for its practice, it leads to health and happiness. Picturesque surroundings attract the eye, and the amount of physical exercise secured is not sufficient to be harmful, but rather of positive benefit, and more especially ' to those who lead sedentary lives, and it is from this class that most recruits are drawn. From looking on, one comes to inquire the cost of an outfit, and, once drawn in, the victim almost invariably becomes an ardent and enthusiastic lover of the gentle art.