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The Point of Aim and Other Mechanical Expedients
Part 6 of 6

In my own strife to accomplish this most desirable object, I first devised a small metal frame which was held in the palm of the hand by a ring about the digital finger, for the purpose of exactly locating the hight of the knuckle of the thumb with which I strove to touch a certain point upon the jaw at the moment of loosening the arrow. But I never arrived at any degree of success worth mentioning until I accidentally discovered recently a more exact mechanical method, which, though it places me in the estimation of many without the pale of true archery, it is in my own estimation a far more scientific accessory than casting about in the shoals of uncertainties. It enabled me, almost at once, to produce a comparative evenness of my scores, and caused them to jump to almost double their former average.

This is the story: In an endeavor, in the shorter frames, to get my point of aim as near as possible to the target by raising the knock hand to a higher position in relation to my eye, 1 found that the upper border of the winding of my string would come occasionally into the line of my vision, and when this was repeated a few times, it occurred to me that this was a very good way to regulate the height of my hand. From that time on it is needless to say I not only utilized it, as did our friend in the protection of his blade of grass, for his point of aim, but I wound all my strings with a dark and definite winding, so that the upper borders stopped at exactly the same distance from the knocking point. This enables me to more exactly repeat the position of my hand in relation to my eye. and even now this repeated duplication of this position is becoming a subconscious movement, and in time I hope that it will not be necessary to even notice the upper border of my winding. I feel sure that all archers will agree with me that repeated exactness of this particular factor is a most important principle in any kind of archery, whether it be the legendary archery of our highest and most artistic conceptions, or the modern mechanical archery of the range shooting.

The one thing which I plead for in this paper is the officially recognized right to openly employ any scientific method within the bounds of legitimate skill which increases our scores, and which tends toward the establishment of those exact subconscious movements which have characterized the great archers of all time.