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Chapter XIV
The Royal Toxophilite Society
By Colonel Walrond
part 3 of 5

Naturally, from the excellence of the ground, and from constantly shooting on it, some of the members habitually make much larger scores at the 'Tox' than thy reach when the anxiety of a public meeting has to he faced, and in this respect the goodness of the ground is perhaps a drawback It would be invidious to mention names, but many scores of over 500 are made in practice in the course of the season and some of them occur on target days, the best scores last year (1893) having been:

Date Name 100 yards 80 yards 60 yards Total
Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score Hits Score
June 1 C.. Longman 39 161 30 142 20 98 89 401
June 29 F. L. Govett 37 159 42 218 23 117 102 494
" H.Walrond 36 134 40 174 20 120 96 428
July 20 F. A. Govett 45 181 39 207 24 126 108 514
" C. E. Nesham 39 151 43 235 23 123 105 509
" E.W. Hussey 37 133 44 206 22 112 103 451
" F. L. Govett 40 172 38 164 23 115 101 451
July 27 G. E. S. Fryer 41 175 43 207 23 119 107 501
Oct. 12 T. T. S. Metcalfe 37 143 38 180 23 137 98 460
Oct. 13 C. F. Cholmondeley 41 167 37 179 19 107 97 453
" G. Bird 36 150 39 179 23 125 98 454
" C. H. Everett 42 142 32 162 21 99 95 403