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Chapter IV


Part 2 of 2

Obviously, one must have some means of carrying the arrows conveniently. A specially constructed bag known as a "quiver" is best. (See Fig. 37.) The quiver is made of a light-weight, stiff leather, that will hold its shape, similar to the kind used in making the arm guard. Usually, the quiver is about 1½ inches in diameter at the bottom, and tapers to 2¼ inches at the top. The length is about 18 or 20 inches, depending upon the length of the arrows used. The top of the quiver always ought to be round or oval in shape to permit an easy return of arrows, and it is usually wise to reenforce this opening with another strip of leather laced or sewed around it. The quiver is carried on a loop at the right side of the belt, or on a special shoulder harness.

Every archer carries an extra bowstring, a piece of beeswax, and perhaps other small odds and ends with him. A small pouch or bag, suspended from the belt, is the best means of keeping all of these necessities together and making them accessible. (Fig. 38.)

Figures 34 to 39. Details of archery accessories
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Illustration III. Bracing the bow
Illustration III. Bracing the bow
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When not actually in use, a bow should be protected by a bow case. This is simply a piece of waterproof canvas, or auto-top material, long enough to contain the bow, sewed along one side and across the bottom. The top can be fitted with a snap-fastener or tied with a thong.

Last, but not least, a target needed. Targets are costly and a discouraging object for an amateur to make. Thus, a device made from two bales of hay or straw may be substituted, where there is a permanent range to shoot on. Baled hay or straw is inexpensive, and two bales, side by side, present an area large enough for the regulation target faces. These bales should be placed against an embankment or a hill, and wired firmly together. The face of this shooting butt should be propped so as to slant backward a little. For the best results, a frame should be made to hold these bales in position. (See Fig. 39.) Such a butt is easy to construct and will serve the desired purpose. When not in actual use, it should be covered to keep out moisture.

Target faces can be made from white, sign-painters’ cloth. The diameter of the face is 48 inches. The rings are laid out by placing a tack in the exact center, attaching a length of twine to this, making a loop in the twine at the proper distances, and describing circles with a pencil. The diameter of the center ring must be 9⅗ inches, and the width of each additional ring 4⅘ inches. The center is painted gold, and others, naming outward, respectively, red, blue, black, and white. For the gold, use the standard finish; that is, a gold powder mixed with a gold size, and thinned with a little turpentine. The red should be a scarlet. The blue should be a light blue. Enamel colors or oil paints should never be used, as they glisten in the sun in a bothersome way. The color should be flat, and ground in japan.