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Chapter I

Making the Bow

Part 3 of 6
Figures 3 to 5. Details for the construction of the bow
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Figure 3 represents a completed bow, fully strung, with all parts named. Figure 4 is the layout on the back of the bow. First, find the center of the length and square a line around the piece. Letter this C. Next, measure 1 inch to the left of the center and square a line around the four sides of the piece, lettering this A. Then measure 3 inches to the right of the center, making a similar mark, and letter this B. Two inches to the right of B draw a line, and 2 inches to the left of A draw another line. Mark these E and D respectively.

The distance between D and E is to be left the same thickness and width as at C. This is to make the bow a trifle stiffer in the handle, so that there will not be a jar or kick in the bow hand when the arrow is loosed. The space between A and B will be the handle of the bow.

One very important detail in making a bow is to have it straight down the back or belly. It may bend slightly toward the belly when unstrung or toward the back, but if it curves one eighth of an inch to either side, it will not shoot straight, and the time to correct any such fault in the stave is at this point in laying out the back.

Measure the width at the center line C, and, in the center of the width put a point, lettering it, F as in Figure 4. At each end of the stave do the same. Cut a notch or put a brad in these last two points labeled G and H. Stretch a piece of string between these points like a chalk line, and if the string falls through the point F, the stave is straight. Few are straight, however, and it may be necessary to move the points G and H to one side or the other of the measured center to have the string fall through F. These last points will mark the correct middle of the ends of the bow.

A quarter of an inch on each side of G and H mark the points I, J, K, and L, as in Figure 5. Half an inch on each side of the center lines D and E mark the points M, N, O, and P.