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Chapter VII

Suggestions on the organisation of an archery club

A group of boys, working together, will maintain interest and gain greater skill in archery than one or two boys, working more or less alone. For this reason, a scout troop, several neighborhood friends, or a group of boys working in a manual-training shop can organize to their mutual advantage. (Illustration VI.)

Each member should be active and contribute something to the group. Secure some older boy to act as a leader, and to organize the activity; then have him appoint an assistant to work with the club, when he cannot be present.

Boys making their own equipment will gain more in interest and skill than boys buying their equipment. There should be special rec­ognition given to boys who make their own tackle, and after they become proficient in shooting, they might be called "master archers." A member buying his tackle might be called a "bowman"; thus giv­ing additional credit where deserved. The officers of this club should all be "master bowmen."

CONSTITUTION OF THE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ARCHERS

  1. This organization shall be known as the . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  2. The object of the association shall be to encourage the practice of archery, and to arrange tournaments and competitions with other clubs and associations. The meetings shall be held at such times and places as shall be deemed convenient.
  3. The officers of the association shall be president, two vice-presidents, and a secretary-treasurer.
  4. There shall be an executive committee, consisting of four of­ficers and three members, of which the president shall be chairman. This committee shall have full control of the business and property of the association, except when the association is assembled in its annual business meeting.
  5. The officers and the other members of the executive committee shall assume the functions of office within 30 days after their election, and shall hold office until the qualification of their successors. Officers elected at this first meeting shall assume office immediately.
  6. All records, fully completed, and properly audited accounts, together with the funds and all other property of the association, shall be turned over to the newly elected officers within 30 days after the close of the annual tournament.
  7. A vacant office may be filled by a vote of a majority of the executive committee.
  8. Anyone may be admitted to membership in the association if recommended by a member in good standing and approved by the president and secretary-treasurer.
  9. An application for membership shall be accompanied by initia­tion or membership fee.
  10. A member may be expelled by a vote of a majority of those present at an annual business meeting.
  11. The monthly dues for each member shall be . . . . . . . . . . cents, paid in advance.
  12. A member shall be suspended for nonpayment of dues for three consecutive months, and he may be reinstated any time by paying the lapsed dues or the initiation fee, as he may prefer.
  13. The executive officers of the association shall arrange for an annual tournament to determine association championships.
  14. Before a member may participate in an annual tournament, he must be free of all indebtedness whatsoever to the association.
  15. This association shall hold an annual business meeting during the annual tournament. At this meeting, the officers and other mem­bers of the executive committee for the ensuing year shall be elected and any other necessary business transacted.
  16. All field meetings shall be under the supervision of the execu­tive committee represented by a field captain. When possible, the pres­ident shall be field captain, but if he cannot serve, the executive com­mittee shall appoint one of the archers present.
  17. The field captain may appoint, to assist him, as many other general field officers as he may deem necessary.
  18. At each target, one archer shall be appointed by the field captain to be target captain, and another to be scorer.
  19. The following shall be the standard event for members of this association:
    The double American round, consisting of—
    30 arrows at 60 yards,
    30 arrows at 50 yards,
    30 arrows at 40 yards.
    The flight shoot for boys, consisting of 3 shots not necessarily with different arrows. Other events may be added at the discretion of the Executive Committee.
  20. Any kind of bow, except the crossbow, and any kind of arrow, may be used in any event, and any style of shooting may be used.
  21. The face of the target shall consist of a central disk, 9 3/5 inches in diameter, and 4 concentric rings, each 4 4/5 inches in width, painted respectively, from the center to the outside, gold, red, blue, black, and white.
  22. The value of the colors shall be: gold, 9; red, 7; blue, 5; black, 3 ; white, 1.
  23. If an arrow cuts two colors, it shall count as having hit the inner one.
  24. The targets shall be placed on easels, the center of the gold being 4 feet from the ground.
  25. An arrow must remain in the target until recorded by the scorer.
  26. An arrow rebounding from, or passing through, the scoring face of the target shall count as one hit and 5 in value.
  27. Each archer shall shoot, at one time, 6 arrows, called an "end."
  28. The arrows of each archer must bear a distinctive mark.
  29. Every arrow leaving the bow shall be deemed as having been shot if the archer, while standing within the line from which he has been shooting, cannot reach it with his bow. This rule is void if either bow, string, or arrow breaks during the shot.
  30. A hit, or hits, made by an archer on a target not assigned to him, shall not be counted.
  31. All disputes shall be referred to the captain of the target at which they arise. From him, an appeal may be taken to the field cap­tain, whose decision shall be final.
  32. The winner of the flight shoot shall be the one who shoots an arrow the greatest distance. In case of a tie, another arrow shall be shot.
  33. All prizes that are competed for at an annual tournament shall be awarded at an annual business meeting or at an adjournment there­of. Those prizes that are the permanent property of the association may be kept by their winners until 15 days before the next annual tournament, at which time they must be returned to the secretary- treasurer.

A club should decide on a name, and then develop an insignia to be worn by all full-fledged members of the organization. These insignia can be bought from sporting-goods stores at a reasonable price. There should be awards given for gaining skill in shooting. For instance, when a boy shoots a score of 150, he may be given a 2-inch target face (made of felt) to be placed on his quiver. For every 50 points over this score that he makes in a regular shot, give him a small arrow, inches long, to be sewed on his quiver below the target. Thus, there will be constant effort made by all to improve their shooting. Dues should be promptly paid, and from these dues awards, target faces, and other needs may be bought for the club. Regular, scheduled matches or tournaments should begin promptly and progress with as little delay as possible. These points make for a good, lively club and increase the interest for all concerned.

Competition with other archery clubs for a trophy is always keenly enjoyed. A local newspaper or sporting-goods store will usually be glad to furnish the trophy.