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Home > Books > Bows and Arrows > Preface
Part 2 of 2

With a smile Dick asked, "Well, did you exceed the 60-yard mark?"

I replied that I had.

He expostulated that it was impossible— that 60 yards was the limit of the grounds.

"But," I replied, "I sent the ball through a window at the top of the building!"

Professor Tait's machine was a success, thanks to the observation of a boy who had caught the hang of doing a little connected thinking.

And so, while a great deal of what is said in this book may be written with an air of much conviction, I wish to assure my readers that it is far from my desire to have what I may say accepted as the final word. Rather, I ask to be borne with when I may seem overpositive, and indulged for omissions, it being remembered that my trade is that of making bows and arrows, not writing books.

Let it not be assumed that any man knows it all, or that any past authority was infallible. Judge for yourself and draw your own conclusions. If in the end you can accord a fair amount of credence to the man who manifestly has been through the mill, then the purpose of this book is accomplished.

For another thing, I realize that the reader may very soon form the opinion that I have little reverence for tradition. However, as to this I ask that it be remembered that I do not write as a compiler, in the atmosphere of the library. Instead, this book is intended as a simple manual of practical information, with a strong workbench flavor, presenting what I consider may help archers in general the better to know and enjoy their sport. It is not, I may add, one of those controversial books, that condemn all contemporary works and weave a halo over everything that is long past and gone. Nor is it meant to broadly cover the whole subject of archery. There already are excellent books, modern and exhaustive, which serve that purpose. I refer especially to those by Elmer, McMeen, and Pope.

To the reader who wishes to learn about archery in the same spirit as that shown by the archers who come to my shop, and those who consult me at the tournaments and by letter, I hereby extend my devotion. This is your book. I hope you find in it a good share of the inspiration and help you seek as a student of our grand old sport of shooting with the long bow. If there are any questions you would like answered—as I fear there may be, there being so very much to be said which at the time of writing does not occur to me—by all means write to me. I shall do my best to make due amend for my shortcomings as an author.

James Duff.                  
Jersey City, N. J.