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The wood arm guard, Figures 91 and 92, should be rounded to fit the forearm. The edges also should be rounded. The wood should be about 1/8-in. thick, 1 1/2 to 2 in. wide, and 6 or 7 in. long. These arm guards are equipped with straps fastened with rivets or with glue into grooves cut for them. See Figure 92. After sanding, wood bracers should be decorated with water colors, after which several coats of spar varnish should be applied, rubbing down each coat with steel wool.


Finger Stalls

If the archer has tough fingertips, he can shoot in comfort. As a rule, however, a covering for the tips of the three shooting fingers is quite necessary when doing a lot of shooting, or when using a heavy bow. Dr. Elmer, in his book Archery, and Dr. Pope, in his Hunting with Bow and Arrow, both show what they consider proper finger stalls. Their suggestions are shown in Figures 93 and 94.



These stalls should be made of calfskin or horsehide, or, lacking that, take leather from an old shoe.

Another method of protecting the fingertips is to put strips of 1/2-in. medicated tape along the fingers as shown in Figure 95. Gloves are used by many archers, some using a regular archer's glove while others take an old glove and cut away the unnecessary portions. To prevent excessive wear, reinforce the tips of the fingers in these gloves with leather. Figure 96 shows sewn fingertips fastened to a wrist band with elastic bands.