THESE counties have long been celebrated for their numerous and fkilful Archers. About the year 1648, three brothers, John, Roger, and DANIEL RAWSON, became particularly famous in that fcience: James the fon of John is now (1792) living at Cheetham-Hill near Manchefter, aged 76: From the age of eighteen to fixty he never refufed a challenge; nor ever loft a match. In the above counties are many focieties of bowmen: Few market towns in Lancafhire but have one or two fets of butts placed at the feveral diftances of 30, 60, 90, and 120 yards. The Lancafhire bowmen hold their meetings at Cheetham-Hill every Wednefday, from Lady-day to Michaelmas, at three in the afternoon. There is alfo a party, who fhoot there every Monday, Wednefday, and Friday, if the weather proves favourable.
MISS BOUVRE, near Warrington, is efteemed the beft Archerefs in the county. In fupport of the ancient fame of Lancafhire bowmen, Leland, in his Collectanea, hath the following line,