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1. Gen. xxvii. 3
2. Samuel, xxxi. 3.
3. And yet this was the man who afterwards infidioufly flew the great Achilles, by wounding him in the heel with an arrow, when he was going to marry Polyxena, in the temple of Apollo.
4. Iliad, Book III. line 27.
5. Illiad, Book IV. line 152.
6. Iliad, Book XIII. line 891.
7. Odyffey,.Book XXI line 446.
8. Ifaiah lxvi. 19,—Jeremiah xlvi. 9.
9. Archaeologiae, vol. vii.
10. Fuller's Church Hiftory.
11. Harold himfelf was flain by an arrow.
12. See Harl. Mifcell. vol. ii.
13. Vide Rapin.
14. The title lay dormant 90 years after ROBERT'S death; namely, till the year 1337, when WILLIAM LORD CLINTON was created Earl of Huntington.
15. On this occafion we are told, that ROBIN HOOD was dreft in fcarlet,and his men in green; and that they all wore black hats and white feathers.
16. The Ferrers were Lords of Loxley.
17. Befides many other places, the following are particularly mentioned, viz. Barnfdale, Wakefield, Plompton Park, and Fountains-Abbey.
18. Poffibly without invitation.
19. That each of the arrows of thefe renowned fhooters fell, as above defcribed, is probable; but that they were fhot from fame other place than the top of the Abbey is equally probable.
20. Suppofing him twenty-one years of age, when on his vifit to ABBOT RICHARD at Whitby, he muft at this time have been at leaft in his eightieth year.
21. This Norman infcription fhews its antiquity.—ROBIN HOOD'S anceftors were Normans, and poffeffed the Lordfhip of Kyme, in Lincolnfhire. There is a market-town in that county called Stanton.
23. See Stumpff & Sceiweizer Chronica, fol. 1548.
24. Thefe troops with many others, fuffered a total defeat at Bannockburn, in conference of a difpute amongft the officers before the battle began.
25. SIR JOHN ELLAND left one only fifter, who carried the eftate of Elland Halt and the Manor of Elland into the noble family of SAVILE, by marrying an anceftor of the late Lord Marquis of Halifax.

This gentleman wrote fome years after to one of his friends in Yorkfhire, giving an account of his proceedings abroad. The letter was directed

dwelling at Hole-Houfe,
within the parifh Aldmonbury
in the county of York."

27. Vide Hift. of Halifax.
28. Henry's Hift. vol. v. page 463.
29. The Englifh army confifted of about ten thoufand, of whom not a few were fick. That of the French amounted to one hundred thoufand ; fome contemporary writers fay one hundred and forty thoufand.
30. With that a freynd of his cry'd,-- "Fy!"
And up an arrow drew ;
He forgit it fae furioufly
The bow in flanderis flew ;
" It was as wesel, for if, trow I,"
" For had the tre been trew,
Men faid that kend his Archery,
That he had flain enow.
31. THOMAS LORD CLIFFORD, noted for his cruelty at the battle of Wakefield, was, three months after, killed at this battle, by a headlefs arrow, which piercing his throat, he died immediately, aged 26.
32. Henry Jenkins believed he might be about twelve years of age at the time of the battle of Flowden Field, when he was fent to Northallerton with an horfe-load of arrows, which a bigger boy had the charge of from thence to the army under the Earl of Surrey.
33. Henry, the thirteenth Lord Clifford, on account of the hatred the Houfe of York bore to his family, was concealed in the difguife of a fhep-herd, from feven years old till he arrived at his thirty-fecond year ; when, in the firft parliament of Henry VII. he was reftored in blood and honour, to all his baronies, lands, and caftles. He died in 1523.
34. John Lord Lumley married Joan, fifter to Lord Scroop of Bolton
35. John Neville Lord Latimer, married Catherine Par, and leaving her a widow, fhe became the laft wife of Henry VIII.
36. William Lord Conyers of Hornby Caftle, near Richmond in Yorkfhire, married Maud, daughter of Henry Percy Earl of Northumberland.
37. There were many ancient families in the North of England at this time- whofe names are not mentioned in this Poem. But it muft be remembered, that the King, with a great part of his nobility, and a numerous army, was then in France.
38. Sir Marmaduke Conftable was High Sheriff of the county of York, A. D. 1509.
39. John Lord Scroop married Catherine, daughter of Henry Clifford Earl of Cumberland.
40. Markenfield of Markenfield nigh Ripon, a knightly family, whofe only remaining branch is James Markenfield; now inhabiting a small cottage in Stammergate, Ripon, reduced in circumstances, oppreffed with age, but ftill refpected.
41. Thomas Dacre Lord Dacre of Gilfland.
42. Sir Bryan Tunftal of Thurland Caftle, a valiant Captain, was flain in this battle. He was interred in the chancel of Tunftal church, where his effigy at full length, cut in ftone, is placed recumbent upon his tomb.
43. Sir Edward Stanley, after his return from this battle, began to build the magnificent Chapel of Hornby in Lancafhire; on one par of which is an eagle cut in ftone, and the following infcription, " Edwardus Stanley, " Miles Dominis Monteagle, me fieri fecit." He dying before it was perfected, the parifh finifhed the body of the chapel, which is of inferior workmanfhip.
44. Eugh Bows, 2s. 8d. each.
Bow ftrings, 0 6 per dozen.
Livery arrows, 1 10 per fheaf.
45. Thefe butts were diftant from each other 148 yards.
46. Thefe arrows are fuppofed to have been ufed by the picquet guards, to give notice to the camp of the enemy's approach during the night.
47. By the 33d of HENRY VIII. no one aged twenty-four, was to fhoot at any mark under eleven fcore yards.
48. GROSE on ancient armour.
49. I have been informed that the butts, ufed by this Society, were placed near Farnley Hall, and but lately demolifhed.
50. The motto on the Gorget is, "SECUNDUS HOC CONTENTUS ABITO."
51. There was afterwards a Silver Cup added as a third prize, on which is engraven, "TERTIUS HOC CONTENTUS."
52. The LORD WARDEN'S Records mention a Fair being held under this Oak for near two centuries back ; and there are perfons yet living (1792) who remember the fhade of this, wonderful tree covering a ftatute acre of ground. The middle of the ftem is forty feet in circumference.