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Plate LXXX
Cheyenne Quiver, Self Bow and Arrow, With Shaft Grooves

FIG. 1. QUIVER, mountain lion skin. Bow case and arrow case separate. Both made with hair outward, and ornamented with fringes. From the bottom of the bow case depends one of the feet of the lion with claws. At the bottom is another foot of the lion wrapped with a red flannel cloth and. slightly decorated with beads. Arrow case fringed at the top and bottom with strips of hide, and with a long pendant from the upper border made of the lion's tail, faced with red flannel and decorated with beadwork and ribbon. A unique attachment to this quiver is a streamer consisting of one and a half yards of red and black calico sewed to the inner lining of the arrow case. Bandolier, of lion skin faced with tent cloth (cotton duck). The bow shown in the plate with its arrow is of the form common throughout the Plains of the Great West. It is made of ash, and has a slight double curve. Length: bow case, 40 inches; arrow case, 25 inches.

Cat. No. 129873, U. S. N. M. Cheyenne Indians, Algonquian stock. Collected by H. M. Creel, U. S. Army.

Plate LXXX