FIG. 1. Bow, nearly rectangular in section, tapering toward the end; slightly double curve. One notch at each end and both on the same side of the bow for receiving the string, which is a 2-ply twine. Length: 3 feet 9 inches.
Cat. No. 9063, U. S. N. M. Chippewa Indian Algonquian, Dakota. Collected by Dr. W. H. Gardner, U. S. Army
FIG. 2. QUIVER, dressed buffalo hide. Bow case is a long narrow sack, fitting bow; arrow case, wide bag tapering toward the bottom. Both ornamented slightly with fringe of rawhide, beads, and red flannel. The bandolier is a narrow band of buffalo skin with the hair on. Length : bow case, 38 inches; arrow case, 24 inches.
Cat. No. 9063, U. S. N. M. Chippewa, Algonquian stock, Dakota. Collected by U. S. War Department.
NOTE.-The Chippewa Indians are more civilized than their neighbors, and this specimen shows a degenerate style of doing their own work, and much borrowing from the whites. The arrow is of the common Plains type.