Ute or Shoshonean Quiver, Bow, and Arrow
QUIVER, deerskin; bow case, arrow case, and bandolier made of the same material, with the fur side outward. Adorned with fringes of the same skin cut in strips and with tufts of split feathers in which the stiff mid-rib has been removed. Length: bow case, 34 inches; arrow case, 28 inches.
Cat. No. 19843, U. S. N. M. Ute Indians. Shoshonean stock, Utah. Collected by Maj. J. W. Powell.
NOTE.-There is no tool bag, but depending from the top of the arrow case is a brush made of porcupine skin with the bristles left on. The bow is not sinew-lined, the arrow is of the universal Shoshonean type, and resembles those of the eastern Rocky Mountain tribes.