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Home > Books > Mason > North American Bows, Arrows and Quivers > Plate LXXXV
Dakota Quiver, Self Bow and Arrow, With Straight Shaft Groove

FIG. 1. QUIVER, of buffalo skin; bow case and arrow case separate. Bow case, a narrow bag just fitting the bow. Arrow case, a wide sack tapering toward the bottom. Both cases adorned at upper and lower margins with long fringes of buckskin, at the head of which is a band of red flannel decorated with "white-man's " patterns in beadwork. Bandolier is a strip of buffalo skin with hair left on. The bow and arrows are of the universal Siouan type. Length of bow case, 42 inches; arrow case, 26 inches.

Cat. No. 23735, U. S. N. M. Sioux Indians, Siouan stock, Dakota. Collected by Paul Beckwith.