Plate XCIV
Fort Anderson Eskimo Quiver, Sinew-Backed Bow, and Two-Feather Barbed Arrow
FIG. 1. QUIVER (model); bag of deerskin without the hair. Made in the shape of an ordinary arrow case with a hood. Along the short margin is a stiffener of wood. Along the outer or longer margin are decorations made by suspending the false hoofs of the deer to short thongs of buckskin. Bandolier, simple string of rawhide attached to the stiffener. Length, 20 inches.
Cat. No. 7481, V. S. N. M. Eskimo, Fort Anderson. Canada. Collected by Robt. McFarlane.
NOTE.-This model of a quiver contains also miniature sinew-backed bow and arrows, but they are all correctly made in imitation of originals. Among the Eskimo, quivers of this form are very common and are long enough to contain the arrows and the bow within the hood.