FIG. 1. SHAFT of reed. Foreshaft, a rod of hard wood inserted into the end of the . shaft, which is tapered down and seized with sinew. Head, of jasper inserted into a deep notch in the end of the foreshaft and held in place by diagonal lashings of sinew and mesquite gum. Feathers, three, seized at the ends with sinew. Shaft, 261/2 inches; foreshaft, 7 1/2 inches.
Cat. No. 11783, U. S. N. M. Moki Indians, Arizona. Collected by Bureau of Eth nology.
NOTE.—The Moki Indians are of Shoshonean stock, live in pueblos, and use the Mohave type of arrows.
FIG. 2. SHAFT, of reed. Foreshaft, a rod of hard wood inserted into the end of the shaft and seized with sinew. Head of chalcedony, triangular, inserted into a "saw cut" at the end of the foreshaft, and held in place by mesquit gum laid on so as to form an unbroken surface between the foreshaft and the head. The end of the foreshaft is seized with sinew. Shaftment ornamented with a band of red and a spiral band in black. Nock, cylindrical. Notch, U-shaped. Feathers, three, seized with untwisted sinew. Length, 37 inches.
Cat. No. 1796, U. S. N. M. Mohave Indians, Southern California. Collected by Edward Palmer.
NOTE.-To the right of this example is shown a shorter type of feathering and ornamented shaftment by the same tribe.
FIG. 3. SHAFT, rod of hard wood. Head made from a piece of an old pair of scissors inserted into the split end of the shaft. Feathers, three, lashed at the ends with sinew. Nock spreading, and notch a long deep incision. Length of arrow, 25 inches.
Mohave Indians.
NOTE.—This arrow, though accredited to the Mohave Indians, belongs to a much more northern type, and if properly labeled by the collector shows the effect of com merce and migration.
FIG. 4. SHAFT, a rod of hard wood. Shaftment daubed with bands of red paint. Feathers, three, fastened at the ends with sinew.' The nock is cylindrical. The notch, parallel sided. Foreshaft short, of hard wood, inserted neatly into the end of the shaft and daubed with brown paint. Head, of bottle-glass, inserted slightly into the foreshaft and held in place by a diagonal seizing of sinew. Total length, 34 1/2 inches.
Cat. No. 128431, U. S. N. M. Yuma Indians. Collected by Col. James Stevenson.
FIG. 5. SHAFT, of reed. The shaftment is ornamented with two bauds of red paint connected by longitudinal stripes. Feathers, three, seized with sinew. Nock, cylindrical. The sides of the notch are made parallel by cutting into the reed on either side and splitting out a little piece. The point and foreshaft of this arrow are one, made of a piece of hard wood inserted into the reed-shaft and seized with sinew, and at the other extremity sharpened to a long tapering point. Length of shaft, 2 feet 1 3/4 inches; foreshaft, 12 inches.
Cat. No. 76176, U. S. N. M. Cocopa Indians, Mexico. Collected by Edward Palmer.
FIG. 6. SHAFT, of reed. Foreshaft, square bit of mesquite wood inserted into the end of the shaft and seized with sinew. Feathers, three, lashed with sinew at the ends. Shaftment ornamented with a band of rod. This specimen is rudely made, showing a degenerate art. Length of shaft, 28 inches; foreshaft, 10 inches.
Cat, No. 9072, IT. S. N. M. Yaquis Indians. Collected by Edward Palmer.