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Plate XLII
Arrows of the Pueblo Region and Southwestern United States

FIG. 1. SHAFT, a small stem or twig, with very shallow and sinuous shaft streaks. Feathers, three, loosely held on and seized at either end with sinew. At the edges of the shaftment are bands of brown and black. The nock is slightly spreading. The notch is U-shaped. Point, of iron, leaf-shaped and slender, the tang inserted in a notch at the end of the shaft and seized with sinew. This arrow, like most of those collected from this tribe, is very coarsely made. Total length of shaft, 24 1/2 inches.

Cat. No. 75678, U. S. N. M. Zuni Indians. Collected by James Stevenson.

FIG. 2. SHAFT, of reed. Foreshaft, a twig, perhaps of greasewood set into the end of the reed of the shaft and seized with sinew. The stone head is sagittate, let into the head of the foreshaft, and fastened first with sinew and then covered with gum. The whole foreshaft is covered with dark gum. Feathers, three, seized at the ends with sinew and trimmed down along the margins. It is possible that these reed arrows of the Oraibi are derived from the Mohave or Apache further south. Length, shaft, 24 inches; foreshaft, 12 inches.

Cat. No. 11780, U. S. N. M. Hopi or Moki pueblo of Oraibi (Shoshonean) Arizona. Collected by J. W. Powell.

FIG. 3. SHAFT, of twig; shaft streaks very wavy and crowded. In comparison with the size of the arrow the feathers are very wide and conspicuous. They are laid close to the shaftment and are seized with sinew. The nock is slightly expanding. Notch, angular; head of jasper, small, inserted into the end of the shaft and seized with a diagonal lashing of sinew, which passes also once transversely. Total length, 26 inches. Especial attention is called to the existence of the reed arrow (fig. 2) and tbe simple arrow in the same pueblo.

Cat. No. 22594, U. S. N. M. Hopi or Moki Indians, Arizona. Collected by Maj. J. W. Powell.

FIG. 4. SHAFT, a single rod bluntly pointed at the head and seized with sinew. Feathers, three, neatly seized with sinew at the fore end and by seven narrow bands of sinew behind. The feathers are far from the nock, which is also bound with sinew. This type of feathering is rare in America. Length, 30 inches.

Cat. No. 165573, U. S. N. M. Pima Indians, Salado Valley, Arizona. Collected by F. Webb Hodge.

FIG. 5. This arrow is similar to that shown in fig. 4, but differing from it in having a small stone head wrapped crosswise, in having the feathers nearer the nock, and in the omission of the intervening wrappings of sinew on the feather.

Cat. No. 76021, U. S. N. M. Pimo Indians. Collected by Dr. Edward Palmer.

Plate XLII