FIG. 1. The shaft is of osier, with shaft streaks nearly straight. Shaftment taper ing backwards and handed with red and green paint. Nock, swallow-tail shaped. Feathers, three, seized at their ends with sinew and extending off from the shaft at the middle. The front part of the feathering is ornamented with tufts of down. The delicate blade of iron forming the head is inserted into a "saw cut" in the end of the shaft and seized with sinew. 'Total length, 25 1/2 inches.
Cat. No. 6964, U. S. N. M. Comanche Indians, of Texas. Collected by Dr. E. rainier, U. S. Army.
FIG. 2. SHAFT, of reed. The shaftment is ornamented with hands of red and black. Feathers, three, seized with sinew. Notch, parallel-sided. The foreshaft, of hard wood, fits into the end of the reed shaft and is seized with sinew. It is daubed with brown paint. Head, of jasper, incurved at the base and notched on the sides. It is inserted into the end of the foreshaft and fastened by a diagonal seizing of sinew and further secured by mesquite gum. Total length of shaft, 37 1/2 inches.
Cat. No. 5519, U. S. N. M. Apache Indians, of Arizona. Collected by Dr. Edward Palmer.
FIG. 3. SHAFT, of rhus, painted red. Feathers, three, seized with sinew, standing off from the shaftment. The nock is cylindrical and the notch is rectangular. Head, of old hoop iron, inserted in a notch in the end of the shaft and seized with sinew. This specimen is very roughly made. The total length of the shaft is 25 inches.
Cat. No. 25512, U. S. N. M. Apache Indians. Collected by Dr. J. B. White, U. S. Army.
FIG. 4. SHAFT, of hard wood. Iron head let in at the end of the shaft. Feathers, three, seized with sinew. Shaft painted blue. Shaftment bound with yellow, blue, and red streaks. Length, shaft, 2 feet 4 inches.
Cat. No. 130307, U. S. N. M. Apache Indians, Athapascan stock, Arizona. Collected by Dr. T. C. Scantling, U. S. Army.
FIG. 5. SHAFT, of osier. Has three shaft streaks, two nearly straight and one a wavy line. The shaftment is ornamented with bands of red and blue. Feathers, three, attached at their ends by a seizing of sinew and glued to the shaft. Near the seizing is a bunch of downy feathers, left for the purpose of ornamentation. Nock, widely spread. Notch, angular. The head is a tapering blade of iron, a portion of which, with the tang, is inserted into a " saw cut" and neatly seized with sinew. Total length, 27 inches. FIG. 6. This arrow is similar to No. 5 A, excepting a little ornamentation on the front of the shaft. Total length, 24 1/2 inches.
NOTE.—Both of these arrows are perfect of their kind. It is difficult to conceive how a more deadly missile could be made.
Cat. No. A and B 150450, U. S. N. M. Navajo Indians. Collected by Dr. Washing ton Matthews, U. S. Army.