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Additional Notes on Arrow Release
Part 5 of 21

In a supplement to the International Archieves of Ethnology, Vol. XVII, is a memoir by DR. C. H. DEGOEJE, on the "Ethnology of The Surinam Indians." A large number of arrows are figured and these have a raised ring of fibre at their nock ends indicating the primary release.

The Ona tribe of Tierra del Fuego practiced the primary release and also the tertiary release as show in the illustrations of these savages in a book entitled, "Through the First Antarctic Night", by FREDERICK A. COOK, M.D. Figure 7 is a rough copy of one of the illustrations in the book.

In the British Museum is an arrow from Tierra Del Fuego, collected by MR. H. N. MOSELEY in 1876. This arrow is 27 1/4 inches long. It has two short and wide barbs parallel to the nock. A shoulder of fibre and gum near the nock would indicate the primary release. (Fig. 8.)

From photographs shown me at the Hamburg Museum of natives of the Solomon Islands in the act of shooting the method of release was primary.

At the Paris Exposition of 1889 were many negroes from the French Protectorates, Africa. Among these were negroes from Senegal and from them I got their method of release which was primary, the how was held nearly horizontal.

In SIR SAMUEL BAKER'S book, "Albert Nyanza," Page 63, is the following description of the archery of the Africans of that region. "Fortunately the natives are bad archers......the string is never drawn with the two forefingers as in most countries, but is simply pulled by holding the arrow between the middle joint of the forefinger and thumb." This clear description indicates the primary release.