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Notes Chapter 2
Arrian Rer. Ind. pg. 556.
20. See Sketches Hift, Man. Vol. I. Chap. I
21. See Diod. Siculus. Lib. 3, pg. 192, No. 35, and alfo Strabo. pg. 177. B. 16.—Where we find that the Arabians, when unfuccefsful in the chace. contented themfelves with a. meal of dry leather roafted.
22. There are ftill a people in America unacquainted with this inftrument—See Robertfon, Vol. II. p. 176.
23. See Diod. Sic. Vol. I. pg. 390.
24. Sagittas, ut aliis placet, Perfeus Perfei filius primum invenit. Ex Plinio.–At Diodotus Apollini affignat. Arcus infuper fagittandique fuiffe repertorem Apollinem ferunt. Verum Artabanus, cujus testimonium Eu¬febius, "de Praeparatione Evangelica," libro nono, citat, Mofen omnium primum bellica inftrumenta inveniffe tradit, qui adhuc juvenis in AEgypto (tefte Jofepho) pri¬mam gloriofe expeditionem in AEthiopes apparaverit.
Polyd. Vergil. Lib, 2. Ch. 11.
25. The horns of the Gortynian Goat are often mentioned as Bows.

* * * * * * Alii Gortynia lentant Cornua.

" Nec Gortyniaco calamus levis exit ab arcu."
Ovid Met.

Herod Lib. 7, pg. 463.
Herod. pg. 464.
28. Leo Africanus fays, The King of Tombut had 3000 horfemen, armed with a particular kind of Bow, made from the wild Fennel tree.

See page 325, Leo Africa, Defcription of
Africa, French tranflation, Fol. 1556.

29. Bows of fteel tempered by fkillful workmen have been tried in England, but it appears that the elafti-city of metal is far more flow and fluggifh than that of wood ; and unlefs the Bow is made ftrong, has but little projectile effect. Metallic Bows alfo are of much greater weight than others of the fame power.