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Notes Chapter 6

It is obferved by one of the great Metaphyftcians of the prefent day, that the language of mankind may furnifh good evidence of opinions, (and manners he might have added) which have been early and univerfally entertained; and that forms contrived for expref-fing fuch, may remain in ufe after the opinions (and cuftoms) which gave rife to them, have been greatly changed.—Effay on Active Powers, pg. 18.

Mr. Gibbon alfo, in Note 36, Chap, 1. fays,— " There is room for a very interefting work, which fhould lay open the connexion between the languages and manners of nations."

63. Calamis Orientis populi bella conficiunt: cala-mis fpicula addunt irrevocabili hamo noxia. Mortem accelerant pinna addita calamis. Fitque et ex ipfo telum aliud fracto in vulneribus. His armis Solem ipfum obumbrant. Propter hoc maxime ferenos dies optant: odere ventos & imbres, qui inter illos pacem elle cogunt. Ac fi quis AEthiopas, AEgyptum, Arabas, Indos, Scythas, Bactros, Sarmatarum tot gentes & Ori-entis, omniaque Parthorum regna diligentius computet, aequa ferme pars hominum in toto mundo calamis fupe-rata degit."
Plin. Lib. 16, Sec. 65.
64. " —Apta fretis abies, bellis accommoda cornus."
65. This river was not the great Rhine of Germany, but a fmaller one of that name, rifing in the Appenines, and flowing near Bononia, and is therefore called by Pliny, in the above paffage, " Rheno Bononienfi amne."
Strabo, pg. 510.
67. The Arrows ufed by the inhabitants of Tunna ifland, are made of reeds, pointed with hard wood; fome of them are bearded; and thofe for killing birds have two, three or fometimes four points.
Cook’s Voyage, 1772-1775, Vol II. Pg.. 82.
68. The Lycian Arrows, according to the defcription of Herodotus, appear to have been nearly of this kind, as they were not guided by feathers. See Herodotus, Lib. 7, pg. 470
69. See Herodotus, pg. 464.
70. See Chamber's Dictionary.
71. See Woodward's Letters on Foffils. Let. 2d. to Sir John Hofkyns, Pg, 43.
72. Lord Bacon has ofeferved what feems very ex¬traordinary, "That an Arrow without an iron point will penetrate to the depth even of eight inches into a piece of wood, when fhot from a Turkifh Bow; while anther Arrow, having an iron point, will not penetrate near fo deep.
See Expt. Solitary 704. Nat. Hift.
73. Iliad, B. 4, L. 527—3. 13. L. 607.
74. Herodotus, pg. 285.
75. Clypium ocraeae, lorica, omnia ex aere, hae ut tegumina corporis effent. Lib. 1.
76. See Nicetus, Annal. pg, 66. A. Fol. Paris.

There is a ftrange error in Gronovius, with refpect to Arrow-heads. He tells us, that fometimes they were three or four inches long; and quotes his authority from Statius. Thefe are the words : —
"Aliquando duobus, tribus, imo quatuor uncis arma­batur; ut legere apud Statium,

" Afpera tergeminis acies fe condidit uncis."

But this line in Statius has no reference to the fize of Arrow-heads, very much otherwife, as the context fhews:

" Prima Tanagraeum turbavit arundo Choraebum
" Extremo galeoe, primoque in margine parmae
" Angufta tranfmiffa via. Stat faucibus unda
" Sanguinis, & facri facies rubet igne veneni.
" Saevius Eurytion, cui luminis orbe finiftri
" Afpera tergeminis aries fe condidit uncis
" Ille trahens oculo," &c.
Statius Thebaid, Lib. 9, L. 745.

78. Villamont, Voyages du. Liv. 2, pg. 213.
79. See Hollinfhead’s Chron. Vol. III. pg. 836.