117. |
Pharetra. Sagittarum theca. Sic dicta, quod fit quafi
veftimentum & tegmen vulnerantium. Suidas. |
118. | See Pl. 2, Fig. 7, 9, and on the Medal, Fig. 12. |
119. |
Il. 1,L. 45. Claudian alfo fpeaks of thefe Quivers.—— |
120. | Suidas.——and alfo, |
121. |
See Lucian, ch. 28, pg. 505. De Saltat, and Claudian alfo, De Cons,
Hon. Aug. Paneg. line 21, " Ignavas Meroë traxit dc crine fagittas." Again— " Venerat & parvis redimitus Nuba fagittis," Pg. 327. Utuntur ergo AEthiopes capite pro pharetra quod fieri potuit vitta quadam diademate lattufculo & fora-minibus quibufdam inftructto, quibus fagittae ut vaginis induntur qua parte habent fpicula, eminent pinnae & formant coronas radiatas,—Gefner ad Claudian. |
122. |
Serpentum geftant patulos pro caffide rictus, Splendent vipereae
fquamofa pelle pharetrae. Claud. De Laud. Stil. L. 262. |
123. |
Deinde perftrepentibus fecundum morem pharetris, clamor in coelum
tollitur, pugna committitur. Hift. Nom. Pg. 13. Paris 1619. Fol. |
124. |
Among poetical liberties we often fee that the Latin word Corytus, or Corytos, is made ufe of as fynonimous with Pharetra, as in this paffage from Statius And alfo,— " Trux leva fonat arcus, & afpera plumis" Terga, Cydonoea Corytos arundine pulfat." Theb. L. 4.—68. The fame ufe of the word occurs in Virgil. AEneid X. L. 169 ; and Ovid, Trift. Lib. V. El.7, L. 15. But notwithftanding thefe paffages, and many more of the fame fignification, the critics uniformly fay the Corytos was the cafe of the Bow, and not the Quiver.—-See the note on the above paffage in Virgil, Æneid X. L. 169. in the Mafvicius Edition, Two Volumes Quarto, 1717. " Coryti, propriè funt arcuum thecae dicuntur tamen etiam fagittarum, quas & pharetras vocamus."—And alfo Voffius' Lex. |