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Plate 9
Replicas of Turkish composite and English bows

Fig. 1.—Composite bow unstrung, showing its reflexed condition. The string has been looped on for convenience in handling. The bow thus appears strung, but could of course not be shot until strung with its curva­ture reversed.

Fig. 2.—Shooting a flight shot with a composite bow. A shorter arrow is shot through a horn. This permits its being drawn past the bow, a method used by the Turks. The weight of this bow is 85 pounds. Its greatest flight is 281 yards.

Fig. 3.—A replica of the "Mary Rose" bow, showing Mr. Arthur Young drawing a 36-inch broadhead arrow on a 6 foot 4 inch bow.

Fig. 4.—The English longbow when drawn to the full arc. Observe sym­metry of the curve, showing the even distribution of the strain upon the wood.

The arrow here is drawn to a point on the jaw below the eye, not to the ear as in ancient times. The former has been demonstrated by Horace Ford to be the proper method for accurate aiming. In a man of average height and length of arms, the distance is 28 inches from his extended left hand to his jaw.