Fig. 1.—One of Ishi's hunting arrows, made at the Museum. It has a birch shaft, steel head, and turkey feathers. It is 30 inches long and weighs about an ounce.
Fig. 2.—The Ishi flight arrow used in all the tests. It is 29 inches over all, made of bamboo, with a birch foreshaft, tipped with a conical steel pile, feathered with turkey feathers and weighs 310 grains. Its flight is uniformly 25 per cent better than the standard English target arrow. Property of S. T. Pope.
Fig 3.—A standard English target arrow of the present day, made of Douglas fir, having a spliced foreshaft of snake wood. It is nocked with horn, has balloon-shaped turkey feathers, is 28 inches long, inch in diameter, cylindrical in shape, and weighs 436 grains or 5 shillings. The end is fitted with a blunt cylindrical steel pile.
Fig. 4.—A bamboo flight arrow, having a birch foreshaft, fashioned after Ishi arrows. Its total length is 25 inches and its weight is 200 grains. The feathers are hawk, but very short and low. It is tipped with a blunt brass pile; shot on small bows.
Figs. 5, 6, and 7.—Arrows made by Ishi while in the wild state. The shaft is made of witch hazel, the foreshaft of some heavier wood. They are feathered with buzzard feathers, bound on with deer sinew, and painted in rings on the shaftment with red and blue pigment. Fig. 7 has a chipped glass head, bound on with sinew. The others have only the notch for such a head. Museum Nos. 1-19577, 1-19578, 1-19579.
Figs. 8 to 13.—Ishi arrows made in the Museum, showing the various sizes and shapes used. The larger seem to have been made more for show or ceremonials or as presents. 1-19864, 1-19863, 1-19866, 1-19862, 1-19456, 1-19454.