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Chapter XXII
Of taking true Standing, that is advantageous.

The next thing to the knowledge of the weather, is perfect footing, or taking a true advantageous standing: therefore, in a side wind, you must stand somewhat cross into the wind, for so you shall shoot the surer, when you have taken your footing, then look upon your shaft, that neither wet nor earth be left upon it, for that will make it lose the length; look also on the head, lest it have had any stripe at the last shoot, for a stripe against a stone, many times will both spoil the head, crrk the shaft and hurt the feather; the lest of all which, will make man loose his length: which to repair, and for the avoidance of these general evils, which happen every sot, I would have our archer to carry by his side, a fine, short, close compact pouch, in which he should have a file, a stone, a hursishshik, and a cloth to wipe his shafts clean upon every occasion; these things must a man carefully look unto, ever when he takes up his shaft, he must also take heed, that the head be not made too smooth, for that will make the arrow fly too far, the mean therefore, is best proportion; the next to these things, follows the bow, the handling whereof, I have handled already; as for nocking, drawing and loosing, they are not undiscussed, I will but therefore rub your memory over with this precept, that to look at the head of your shaft at the loose, is the best help for keeping a length, yet some are of opinion, that is hinders excellent shooting, because a man has then no certainty of shooting straight , chiefly in that he beholds not his mark, but for mine own part, were I to shoot at a line, and not at a mark; I would always look at a mark; I would always look at my arrows end. Both of this I will speak more in the next chapter, and now conclude, that who so marks his weather diligently , keeps his standing justly, hold the nock truly, draws and looses equally, & keeps his compass certainly, can never miss his length.