It is not out of any ambition to get a name, out of any hope of future profit, nor out of any disposition or love I have to novelties, which has stirred me up to this labor but only a sincere affection I bear to truth and goodness, which in former times were, and I doubt not but will be again, and ever, the best friends and companions to the bow and arrow.
It is true, that in this treatise, I have (according to my weak judgement, and under the controlment of better knowledges) showed how the bow and arrow may again profitably be employed, and reviewed, without offence or scandal. It now remains in you (if his Majesty shall be graciously pleased, to put it in execution) to make good all my promises. And that is, by furnishing the subject with good bows, good arrows, and reasonable prices, because defects in these, will both disgrace the work, and give offence to the people. Yet I would not have you mistake me, that under this word good, I mean the best and principal bows and arrows, as though every man should necessarily be armed with Ewe and Horn-beam; no, Elm and Birch, are timbers sufficient for private practice, and if they be well wrought, artificially chosen, and reasonably sold the subject shall find no fault, nor the exercise hindrance.
This (when you are called upon) you are to take into your considerations, which I know you can better do, than I can instruct; therefore to it, and to the happy proceedings of these beginnings, which may begin your benefits, I leave you and rest,
Your Well-wisher,
Gervase Markham.