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XXX. On how near or how far the target should be
Part 2 of 2

Abu-Hāshim al-Māwardi and Isḥāq al-Raqqi held that the way to correct the error of excess or loss in the range is by raising the left hand in the case of loss, when the arrow falls short of the target, and by lowering it in the case of excess, when the arrow falls beyond the target.

If you have a strong bow which weighs two hundred rotls,[32] and wish to shoot a distance of three hundred cubits, you should align your little finger with the top of the target; if you wish to shoot a distance of two hundred and fifty cubits, you should align your ring finger with the top of the target; if you wish to shoot a distance of two hundred cubits, you should align your middle finger with the top of the target; if you wish to shoot a distance of one hundred and fifty cubits, you should align your index finger with the top of the target; if you wish to shoot a distance of one hundred and twenty-five cubits, you should align the arrowhead with the center of the target.

If your bow weighs a hundred rotls or more, but less than two hundred rotls, and you wish to shoot a distance of three hundred cubits, you should align your left forearm with the top of the target; if you wish to shoot a distance of two hundred and fifty cubits, you should align your little finger with the top of the target; if you wish to shoot a distance of two hundred cubits, you should align your ring finger with the top of the target; if you wish to shoot a distance of one hundred and fifty cubits, you should align your middle finger with the top of the target; if you wish to shoot a distance of one hundred cubits, you should align the part between the knuckles of the base of the index finger and the middle finger with the top of the target; if you wish to shoot a distance between fifty and twentyfive cubits, you should align the arrowhead with the center of the target.[33]

If, either because of the strength of the bow or because of the shortness of the range or because of both, the arrow should fall beyond the target, you should lower your left hand gradually according to the gradations already mentioned. If, either because of the weakness of the bow or because of the length of the range or because of both, it should fall short of the target, you should raise your left hand gradually according to the same gradations.

Ṭāhir al-Balkhi maintained that the way to correct any excess or loss in the range of the arrow was by bringing the lower siyah in toward his side in the case of excess, and by raising the bow with his wrist in the case of loss; or, by raising the bow with his wrist and projecting the lower siyah away from his side if the loss persisted, without resorting to the device of raising the left hand in the case of loss in the range of the arrow or dropping it in the case of excess therein. Instead, he would hold the last knuckle of the thumb of his left hand on a level with his left shoulder when he stretched out his left arm for aiming, and would correct any error therein by bringing the lower siyah in toward his side to an extent which would rectify the error and bring the arrow closer to the target in the case of excess, and by pushing out the bow with his wrist in the case of loss. If the arrow still fell short of the target, he would push the bow out with his wrist and project the lower siyah away from his side to an extent which would rectify the error and bring the arrow closer to the target.

All this can be done only after determining the weight of the bow; whether it is light or heavy and how much in either case.

Ṭāhir al-Balkhi declared that experts are agreed that the top of the target (qirṭās) is the central point on its upper edge; but I say that its top is the extreme point of its upper right corner because, when the archer aligns the hand which holds the arrow with the upper right corner of the target, his left hand will be in line with the central point.

Some experts have said that this method of shooting is good only for those who aim from the inside of the bow and is useless for those who aim from the outside.