Anecdotes of Archery
Part 15 of 34
The names of the nobility and gentry who were prefent, with their tenants, at this memorable battle, are recorded in a curious old Poem, faid to have been written by a fchoolmafter at Ingleton, in the Weft Riding of the county of York, which is particularly interefting, as it prefents a linking picture of the manner of raifing our ancient Militia, the true conftitutional force of this country: Men, who were one day at the plough, and the next ranged under the banners of their refpetive leaders with arms in their hands, which they ufed only againft the hoftile invader; whom having repelled, the furvivors returned to their refpective employments, amidft the congratulations of their deareft connections, their friends, and their countrymen.
Then might you fee on every fide[32]
The ways all fill'd with men of war ;
Here filken ftreamers waving wide,
There polifh'd helms glift'ring afar.
From Lancafhire and Chefhire faft
They to the lufty STANLEY drew;
From Hornby where as he in haft
Set forward with a comely crew.
What banners brave before him blaz'd.
The people mus'd where he did pafs;
Poor hufbandmen were much amaz'd,
And women wond'ring, cried,—-alas !
Young wives did weep in woeful cheer,
To fee their friends in harnefs dreft:
Some rent their clothes, fome tore their hair,
Some held their babes unto their breaft,
There woeful mothers mourning flood,
Viewing their fons harnefs'd on horfe
And fhouting fhriek'd when they forth rode,
And of their lives took little force.
From Penigent to Pendle-hill,
From Linton to Long Addingham,
And all that Craven coafts did till,
They with the lufty CLIFFORD came[33].
All Staincliffe hundred went with him,
With ftriplings ftrong from Whorledale,
And all chat Hanton hills did climb,
With Longftroth eke and Litton Dale.
Next whom LORD LUMLEY[34] and LATIMER[35],
Were equal match'd with all their pow'r ;
With whom was next their neighbour near,
Lord Conyers ftout and ftiff in ftoure[36].
The ways all fill'd with men of war ;
Here filken ftreamers waving wide,
There polifh'd helms glift'ring afar.
From Lancafhire and Chefhire faft
They to the lufty STANLEY drew;
From Hornby where as he in haft
Set forward with a comely crew.
What banners brave before him blaz'd.
The people mus'd where he did pafs;
Poor hufbandmen were much amaz'd,
And women wond'ring, cried,—-alas !
Young wives did weep in woeful cheer,
To fee their friends in harnefs dreft:
Some rent their clothes, fome tore their hair,
Some held their babes unto their breaft,
There woeful mothers mourning flood,
Viewing their fons harnefs'd on horfe
And fhouting fhriek'd when they forth rode,
And of their lives took little force.
From Penigent to Pendle-hill,
From Linton to Long Addingham,
And all that Craven coafts did till,
They with the lufty CLIFFORD came[33].
All Staincliffe hundred went with him,
With ftriplings ftrong from Whorledale,
And all chat Hanton hills did climb,
With Longftroth eke and Litton Dale.
Next whom LORD LUMLEY[34] and LATIMER[35],
Were equal match'd with all their pow'r ;
With whom was next their neighbour near,
Lord Conyers ftout and ftiff in ftoure[36].