Anecdotes of Archery
Part 18 of 34
All thefe did march in DACRES' band,
All thefe enfued his banner broad ;
No luftier Lord was in the land,
Nor more might boaft of birth and blood.
Moft lively lads in Lonfdale bred,
With weapons of unweildy weight,
All fuch as Tatham Fells had fed,
Went under STANLEY'S ftreamer bright.
From Bowland bill-men bold were boun,
With fuch as Botton banks did hide ;
From Wharemore up to Whittington,
And all to Wenning water-fide.
From Silverdale to Kent Sand-fide,
Whofe foil is fown with cockle fhells,
From Cartmel eke and Conney fide,
With fellows fierce from Furnace Fells.
From Warton unto Warrington,
From Wigan unto Wirefdale,
From Wedicar to Waddington,
From old Ribchefter to Ratchdale.
From Poulton and Prefton, with pikes,
They with the STANLEY ftout forth went,
From Pemberton and Filling Dikes
For battle bill-men bold were bent.
Thus STANLEY ftout the laft of all
Of the rere-ward the rule did wield ;
Which done, to Bolton in Glen dale,
The total army took the field.
Thus marched forth thefe men of war,
And every band their banner fhew'd,
And trumpets hoarfe were heard afar
And glittering harnefs fhining view'd.
The founding bows were foon up bent,
Some did their arrows fharp up take;
Some did in hand their halberts hent,
Some rufty bills did ruffling fhake.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
With the rere-ward the river paft,
All ready in ranks and battle array,
They had no need more time to wafte,
For victuals they had none that day:
Yet they fuch ftedfaft faith did bear,
Unto their King and native land,
Each one the other did up cheer
Gainft foes to fight whilft they could ftand,
All thefe enfued his banner broad ;
No luftier Lord was in the land,
Nor more might boaft of birth and blood.
Moft lively lads in Lonfdale bred,
With weapons of unweildy weight,
All fuch as Tatham Fells had fed,
Went under STANLEY'S ftreamer bright.
From Bowland bill-men bold were boun,
With fuch as Botton banks did hide ;
From Wharemore up to Whittington,
And all to Wenning water-fide.
From Silverdale to Kent Sand-fide,
Whofe foil is fown with cockle fhells,
From Cartmel eke and Conney fide,
With fellows fierce from Furnace Fells.
From Warton unto Warrington,
From Wigan unto Wirefdale,
From Wedicar to Waddington,
From old Ribchefter to Ratchdale.
From Poulton and Prefton, with pikes,
They with the STANLEY ftout forth went,
From Pemberton and Filling Dikes
For battle bill-men bold were bent.
Thus STANLEY ftout the laft of all
Of the rere-ward the rule did wield ;
Which done, to Bolton in Glen dale,
The total army took the field.
Thus marched forth thefe men of war,
And every band their banner fhew'd,
And trumpets hoarfe were heard afar
And glittering harnefs fhining view'd.
The founding bows were foon up bent,
Some did their arrows fharp up take;
Some did in hand their halberts hent,
Some rufty bills did ruffling fhake.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
With the rere-ward the river paft,
All ready in ranks and battle array,
They had no need more time to wafte,
For victuals they had none that day:
Yet they fuch ftedfaft faith did bear,
Unto their King and native land,
Each one the other did up cheer
Gainft foes to fight whilft they could ftand,