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Anecdotes of Archery
Part 19 of 34

And never flee whilft life did laft,
But rather die by dint of fword.
Thus over plains and hills they pafs'd
Until they came to Sandiford,

A brook of breadth a tailor's yard,
Where th' EARL of SURREY thus did fay,
"Good fellow foldiers, be not fear'd,
" But fight it out like men this day."

Strike but three ftrokes with ftomach ftout,
And fhoot each man fharp arrows three,
And you fhall fee without all doubt
The beaten Scots begin to flee.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The ADMIRAL did plain afpect,
The Scots array'd in battles four:
The man was fage and circumfpect,
And foon perceived that his power

So great a ftrength cou'd not withstand ;
Wherefore he to his father fent,
Defiring him ftraight out of hand
With rere-ward ready to be bent,

And join with him on equal ground :
Whereto the Earl agreed anon ;
Then drum ftruck up with dreadful found,
And trumpets blew with doleful tone.

The ENGLISHMEN their feather'd flights,
Sent out anon from founding bow,
Which wounded many warlike wights,
And many a groom to ground did throw.

On either fide were foldiers flain[42],
And ftricken down by ftrength of hand ;
That who cou'd win, none weet might plain,
The victory in doubt did ftand.

Till at the laft great STANLEY ftout,
Came marching up the mountain fteep,
His folks cou'd hardly faft their feet,
But forc'd on hands and feet to creep.

" My Lancafhire moft lively wights,
" And chofen mates of Chefhire ftrong;
" From founding bow your feather'd flights,
" Let fiercely fly your foes among,"

The noife then made the mountains ring,
And Stanley ftout, they all did cry,
Out went anon the grey goofe wing,
And 'mongft the Scots did flickering fly.