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Anecdotes of Archery
Part 32 of 34

This Society was firft formed in the Summer of the year 1789,—of whom it may be truly faid, both with regard to their dexterity and refpecability, that they are inferior to none.

They fhot their firft Target, May 3, 1790, at Chapel Town near Leeds, at which meeting,

CARR IBBETSON, Efq; Capt. of the target.
JOHN DIXON, Efq; Capt. of numbers.

JUNE 7, 1790,
Being the next monthly target, it was fhot at Chapel-Town, by appointment of Carr Ibbetson, Efq; who, winning the Medal of Captain of the target, has, on that account, the appointment of the place where the next monthly meeting fhall be held.

At this meeting
SAMUEL RODBARD, Efq; Capt. of the target.
JOHN DIXON, Efq; Capt. of numbers.

JULY 5, 1790,
This target was fhot at Chapel-Town.
HENRY DIXON, Efq; Capt. of the target.
JOHN DIXON, Efq; Capt. of numbers.

AUGUST 2, 1790.
This target was fhot at the Granby, Harrogate.
THOMAS FENTON, Efq; . Capt. of the target.
JOHN DIXON, Efq; Capt. of numbers.

SEPTEMBER 6, 1790.
This target was fhot at Chapel-Town.
WILLIAM LEE, Efq; Capt. of the target.
JOHN DIXON, Efq; Capt. of numbers.

OCTOBER 4, 1790.
This target was fhot at Ferrybridge.
THOMAS FENTON, Efq; Capt. of the target.
HENRY DIXON, Efq; Capt. of numbers.
MAY 2, 1791.
This target was fhot at Chapel-Town.
SAMUEL RODBARD, Efq; Capt. of the target.
JOHN DIXON, Efq; Capt, of numbers.
THOMAS JAQUES, Efq; Lieut. of the target
SAMUEL RODBARD, Efq; Lieut. of numbers.

JUNE 6, 1791.
This target was fhot at Chapel-Town.
THOMAS JAQUES, Efq; Capt. of the target.
JOHN DIXON, Efq; Capt. of numbers.
JOHN HANSON, Efq; Lieut. of the target.
THOMAS JAQUES, Efq; Lieut. of numbers.

JULY 4, 1791.
This target was fhot at Heath, near Wakefield.
THOMAS JAQUES, Efq; Capt. of the target.
SAMUEL RODBARD, Efq; Capt. of numbers.
THOMAS WYBERG, Efq; Lieut. of the target.
HENRY DIXON, Efq; Lieut. of numbers.

AUGUST 1, 1791.
This target was fhot at the Granby, Harrogate.
THOMAS WYBERG, Efq; Capt. of the target.
JOHN DIXON, EFQ; { Capt. of numbers.
Lieut. or the target.
SAMUEL RODBARD, Efq; Lieut. of numbers.

SEPTEMBER 5, 1791.
This target was fhot on Knavefmire, near York.
THOMAS FINTON, Efq; Capt. of the target.
JOHN DIXON, Efq; { Capt. of numbers.
Lieut. of the target.
HENRY DIXON, Efq; Lieut. of numbers.

OCTOBER 3, 1791.
This target was fhot at Heath, near Wakefield.
JOHN DIXON, Efq; Capt. of the target.
HENRY DIXON, Efq { Capt. of numbers.
Lieut. of the target.
THOMAS WYBERG, Efq; Lieut. of numbers.

Befides the above monthly meetings, the Yorkfhire Archers had a target at the general meeting of all the Societies in England, held May 27, 1791, on Blackheath, and were within one arrow of gaining a Medal there fhot for.

Their fhooting uniform, is a plain green frock, and velvet cape of the fame colour, with uniform buttons, white waiftcoat and breeches, round black hat, uniform button and loop, with a white oftrich feather, white ftockings, half boots, or black gaiters.—The drefs uniform depends on the pleafure of the Lady Patronefs.

The targets to be always fhot at on publle days, at the diftance of one hundred yards.

The four Medals belonging to the Society to be transferable, and to be fhot for at each of the fix monthly meetings.—The Gold Medal for the Captain of the Target, to be gained by the moft centrical foot during the day.—The large Silver Medal to the Captain of Numbers, for the greateft number of foots in the targets.—The Silver Medal for the fecond beft fhot; and the other Silver Medal for the Lieutenant of Numbers, having the fecond greateft number of fhots in the targets.

The fum of Four Guineas is given by the Society to be foot for on each target day, and distributed in the following manner; viz. Each arrow, foot within the gold or centre circle of the targets, receive two fhillings and fixpence; all arrows in the red or fecond circle, two fhillings ; thofe hitting the inner white or third circle, one fhilling and fixpence; thofe in the black or fourth circle, one fhlling, and thofe in the outer white or fifth circle, fixpence.

The Patron of the Society, EARL FITZ-WILLIAM.—The Patronefs, the COUNTESS of MEXBOROUGH.

The Society confifts at prefent of feventy-four members, with four honorary ones.

The Ladies prefented the Society laft fummer, with very elegant Colours, to be placed on the top of a large Tent belonging the Society, in which a company of eighty may with great convenience dine.
