THIS Society was formed by SIR ASHTON LEVER and Mr. Waring. For fometime they fhot with few members ; but with unwearied attention they have now increafed their numbers to one hundred and fifty. They are patronifed by his Royal Highnefs the PRINCE of WALES, and their Prefident is the DUKE of NORFOLK.
They practice under the patronage of the EARL of AYLESFORD, in Warwickfhire.
Patronifed by his Royal Highnefs the PRINCE of WALES. They were encouraged and fupported by the late SIR WATKIN WILLIAMS WYNNE, his Lady, and moft of the firft families in the principality. A company of ladies join this Society, who are moft expert in the exercife; as is proved by the excellent fhooting of LADY CUNLIFF in particular.
The candidates for this Society are ballotted for.—Six black balls exclude.—The fubfcription is only one guinea per annum. By way of practice, detachments meet weekly ; but the grand-field day is once a fortnight, at each member's houfe in rotation. A collation is ferved under the Society's tent, a limitation is made as to the number of difhes; and the difplay of any thing hot is punifhed by a fine of live guineas.
A Gold and Silver Medal, with Druidical embellifhments, are fhot for each field-day. The gentlemen fhoot at ninety, the ladies at only fixty yards diftance. The uniform for the men is a green coat, white waiftcoat and breeches, decorated with the Prince of Wales's plume buttons; the ladies' drefs is white muflin and green ribbons.
Patronifed alfo by the PRINCE of WALES. They have a moft fuperb and elegant lodge, with a delightful fhooting ground, at Dartford Heath in Kent.
A fet of Gentlemen who meet near Highgate, and are much increafed of late years.
FORMED on the 23d of April, 1789, the day of the general thankfgiving for the reftoration of the King's health.—They meet at Lewifham, where their lodge and fhooting ground are pleafantly fituated in a retired and rural fpot.
THEY meet under the venerable Oak[52], in the foreft of that name in Effex. This Society confifts of ladies, as well as gentlemen, and are compofed of the firft families of the neighbourhood.