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More about the elliptical bow
Part II
By Forrest Nagler
Part 1 of 2

Table I is made up to give a series of dimensions for practically all weights of bow in 68 inch length, using about a 12 inch center section for handle and dips. The draw pull of these bows is given for yew on the basis of a one million modulus of elasticity and a fibre stress of ten thousand pounds per square inch. These are undoubtedly safe. Some staves will have a higher modulus and will stand a higher stress, but the variation in that respect does not in any way change the dimensions of the cross sections of the limbs. I hesitate to contemplate what an Osage bow of A-40 proportions would draw—probably over 150 lbs., since in good yew it may exceed 100 lbs.

table i
widths thicknesses
  A B C  R/T = 40 45 50 55
0   .475 .375 .300.415 .375 .350 .330
4   .945 .750 .560 .500 .444 .400 .364
8   1.335 1.060 .785 .575 .512 .460 .118
12   1.430 1.135 .841 .650 .578 .520 .172
16   1.505 1.195 .885 .717 .638 .574 .522
20   1.580 1.255 .930 .768 .683 .615 .559
24   1.636 1.300 .962 .805 .715 .644 .586
28    1.700 1.35 1.000 .830 .737 .664 .604
29 { Dips 1.620 1.30 .975.870 .780 .710 .650
30 .400 1.05 .900 .950 .900 .850 .800
31 .950 .875 .800 1.300 1.200 1.100 1.000
32 { Grip .875 .800 .750 1.600 1.50 1.40 1.30
34 .875 .800 .750 1.600 1.50 1.40 1.30
  Weights Based on
  E=1,000,000 for widths
{ A 78 lbs. 62 lbs. 50 lbs. 41 lbs.
B 62 lbs. 49 lbs. 40 lbs. 33 lbs.
C 46 lbs 37 lbs. 30 lbs. 25 lbs.

If very good Yew, E may equal 1,200,000 and above weights will be 20 per cent greater. If Osage or Lemonwood, these dimensions result in very much heavier bows, but of correct proportions.